Part 36

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Myoui Mina's POV

I woke up in the same clothes so I went to the bathroom and took a shower so I could change my clothes.

After a few minutes..

I went out and at the same time my phone rang so I quickly answered it..


Stupid me not realizing I have the same ring tone when someone sends me a message..

Yeah I got a message instead of a call.

I put down the phone and opened the message.

[Son Tiger]

Good morning, had a good night sleep? 😁

I automatically smiled when I saw his name.

I set his nickname to tiger since he looks like one, you guys agree too right?

I immediately went to the walk-in closet to change because I'm still in a robe.

Once I got change I heard a loud honking so I ran to the curtains of my study table to check.

I'm not really sure but I think it's a Jaguar F-Type Convertible.

I'm sure it is him.

So I got my bag and ran downstairs.. don't have the guts to put make up.

He's outside the car, leaning against it.

He's wearing the uniform that the school assigned us to wear I don't like wearing uniforms but I like their style.

I heard Chae helped customize it so probably he's proud of it or what that's why he's wearin' it.

I walked to him since he wasn't looking at my direction only the noise coming from my heels can be heard.

He looked up and his mouth had a little gap probably amazed?

He cleared his throat and fixed his neck tie.

"You look fabulous in school uniforms, I didn't know" I blush at his compliment but entered his car anyways.

There was silence between us since he was so focused on driving.

"Hey" I jumped at that I didn't expect him to speak.

"You startled me"I held onto my chest and he giggled.

"Sorry, can't take the silence anymore so I tend to break it" He looked at me and smiled showing his adorable dimples.

"Hey you should always smile like that"I pointed at him

"Smile like what?"He asked

"Smile with your dimples showing"I smiled

"And.. you should smile like that too" What?

"Like what?"

"I saw your gummy smile through the side mirror" The top of the car was opened so it's exposed.

 ᎢᎻᎬ ᏴᎬᎢ - MICHAENGWhere stories live. Discover now