Part 10

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3rd Person's POV

Chaeyoung was shocked on how Mina got inquisitive he never knew she has that trait,Knowing her was part of the plan where he'll slowly abuse her weakness that's how it all goes for him

A sigh left his mouth before explaining to the curious girl.

"Here's the thing,I could only answer one of your question and I'll leave the other one to your brother"He said closing his eyes and opening them again.

Mina sat back and sighed"Fine but make it detailed"

"Alright,In the past years me and Ryujin being siblings were kept a secret only my good friends know and you and probably your brother too,as I said he'll answer you because he might beat the shit out of me if you already know it anways,Not to brag but my dad was one of the richest man in korea second to the Kim and since people already know that my dad has a son but never a daughter so we kept Ryujin secret,because we know that they will use my sister to threaten us"He said and said goodbye to Mina so that he could order their foods

Mina was left there,she wanted Chaeyoung to tell what's between him and her brother and she's planning to ask her brother later about it.

After eating their breakfast,they head to their university which was only a few blocks away.

When they got to school Mina was aware that students would see them and gossip about them and they would be all in the school's news

As they walked,They can't help but to hear gossips about them

'Omg,Son Chaeyoung and Myoui Mina?'

'Are they together?'

'It can't be they were just fighting not too long ago'

'They look good together tho'

Mina and Chaeyoung walked awkwardly hearing the last words that came out from the student

As they reached Mina's room Chaeyoung always does his routine.Enter the classroom,Put Mina's bag on her chair and bid his goodbye to her.

But,little did Mina know it was all part of Chaeyoung's plan all of it was an act,Chaeyoung is a great actor and good at playing with people's feelings that's how his life goes.

But meanwhile Mina,still wanting to know what's between him and his brother,Her brother couldn't just stop hiding his anger whenever he sees Chaeyoung,he still can't get over what happened back in the day.

Myoui Mina's POV

After that talk with Chaeyoung,I couldn't help but get so curious about what's happening between them.

I want to ask my brother as soon as possible to end all of the questions in my head.

And finally it was lunchbreak I expected Chaeyoung to walk me there.

And by what I said I saw him standing leaning against the wall not too far from where I am standing,and then he finally saw me and walked towards me.

"Hey Mina,let's go?"He said and carried my bag as usual.

I nodded at him,as many female students looking at him lovingly.

We walked to the cafeteria where my friends are and Chaeyoung bid his goodbye because he has to go urgent

Myoui Mina's POV

Fuck,I'm regretting my decision of agreeing to the bet,Yes it's because of her brother I treated him as a friend and rest were history.

He'll think that when the time comes that the bet is done he'll cone after me and beat the shit out of me.

Aish,I need to talk to Jeongyeon and the others about this.

Back to Myoui Mina's POV

Dismissal time has come and Chae said he wouldn't pick me up since he really needed something to do.

Well I could go on myself it's not like I don't always do that.

I called out chauffeur to pick me up and he said he was on his way.

As I was surfing on my phone while waiting for our chauffeur someone took my phone away from me and ran away with it.

"Help,My phone!"I shouted for help

Before I knew it someone was going after the guy,I ran following them and saw the guy who stole my phone and the guy who he was chased,wait that outfit is familiar.



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