Part 14

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Son Chaeyoung's POV

I woke feeling very happy,is that what you call it,I have no idea why even I'm questioning my damn self maybe last night?

Miyeon forgived me and kiss me on my cheek I mean almost at the lips but she was avoided it damn it nah just kidding.

I showered quickly and I was drying my hair with a towel and a towel wrapped on me. (A/N:hips level alright)

"Oppa-yah! Put on clothes first"She said and went out of the room

"Aish you could've knocked"

"Mianhe!"She screamed from the outside aish this girl is really.

I quickly dressed up so that Ryiujin won't wait for a very long time.

"Oppa are you done yet?"She said screaming I know she's getting impatient so I quickly wore my shoes

"Yeah"I said and opened the door I realized she was lening against the door so she almost fell.

"Yah oppa don't laugh at me it's not freaking funny"She said pouting

"Don't pout you're not-HAHA cute"I stopped laughing when I looked at her face she's really serious.

"Mianhe"she's still pouting like a kid

"I'll treat you whatever you want"Her face lightens up just a second

"Really?!?"she's already 17 years old but still acts like a child

"Mhm"I just hummed in response

"Yey promise that" and she brings up her pinky and we made like what do you call it? Pinky promise thingy

She still acts like a kid it's cute our age gap is just two years actually it's not that far.

She skips down the stairs and almost falling which made me giggle this girl is literally damn clumsy.

I went down the stairs almost jogging I don't want her to wait coz I know she'll get so impatient.

My car was already ready and my baby lookin' sexy.It's the car alright.

(the car on the media)

I immediately went inside my beautiful car sorry to brag but it's true basically I have five cars I'm planning to buy one again.

"Oppa when will you have a car that's just normal and not like this?"She said questioning me which made me laugh a little

"I just like these kind of cars actually"

"I thought you're planning to buy another one why not buy a normal one I'm not going against you buying a car"

"I'll work on it lil' sis"Time to tease

"Yah don't call me that I hate it"She said sulking

"Why it's true though"I just laugh at her mood swings what the heck

"Anyways let's just go to cafeteria to eat beside the campus"I just nodded as a sign of response

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