Part 26

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Myoui Mina's POV

After the incident I was so thankful that we got help,and that was second after Chaeyoung passed out.

They're now taking the bullet out of Chaeyoung's shoulders.

I iwas walking back and forth I know he's fine but I'm very anxious when events like this.

I am still on my gown but I didn't care.

They told me to ride on Dahyun's car while following the ambulance it was Nayeon who was inside the ambulance with Chaeyoung

"Hey"He softly said which made me flinch.

" Dahyun,you scared me"I said and took the coffee on his hand that he was lending me.

"I'm sorry but you gotta sit down you're making me dizzy by walking back and forth"I then obeyed and he sat down beside me

"This is by far the worst prom"He shook his head while speaking

"I agree"I took a sip of my coffee

"It's not just that Chaeyoung got shot and now we're all over that news"He showed it to me for a sec and took it away.

"A shooting happened on a prom night and the son of the owner of the school got shot"He read the news out loud

I stayed silent after that after a few minutes later Mr. and Mrs.Son arrived.

"Dahyun,Mina what happened to Chaeyoung?"It surprised me that his parents were here I usually don't see this because they are overseas.

"Imo-nim no need to worry he got shot on the shoulder but he is fine now"Dahyun explained to the Chae's parents.

"Are you guys alright,Mina? There's blood"She went closer to me and so is Chae's father.

"Imo-nim it's not my blood"I said shaking at thought that Chaeyoung got shot.

"I guess you're still shaken with the events Mina you can go home now it's 9 in the evening you need to rest"Mrs.Son recommended but I refused

"No it's fine Mrs.Son"I smiled at them weakly I feel tired but I don't wanna go home.

" Call me mom and I know you're already tired thank you for taking care of Chaeyoung"She smiled at me

"It's alright Mrs-Mom I'm fi-"Dahyun didn't let me finish my words as he cut me off

"Yes I agree with them you have to go home"He stood up and lend me his hand.

"You too Dahyun"Dahyun nodded in response.

We went outside to his car.

He opened the door for me and let me in.

I guess being gentleman runs in their friendship.wait is that even a thing?

No one dared to speak so I just closed my eyes and slept on the way to my house.

"Hey Mina we're here"Dahyun shook my body softly

I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them.Dahyun was about to get out to open the door for me but I stopped him.

"Don't bother"I smiled at him showing him that it's okay

"Thank you Mina"He smiled back

"For what?"I confusingly asked him.

"For letting me court Momo and treating Chaeng right again"Huh?

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