Part 30

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Son Chaeyoung's POV

I drove to the destination,well not on the hill but where they took my said to be car I guess.

I takes like a 35 minutes drive to get there and it kinda exhausts my shoulder for some reason.

I might not be able to fight because of my shoulder.

I've already said our gang's name didn't I?

Anyways,after I got my coffee I went inside my car and started driving again.

You know,this place looks really familiar but I think I never went here,I'm using google map that's why.

My phone suddenly lost connection.Oh damn,I'm doomed.

I'm lost here,oh crap now what do I do?

This place is not really a busy street,you'll rarely see people but it's not creepy as you think.

I wanted to ask people here that knows these place very well but I can't seem to find anybody.

So I parked my car in the side of the road to figure out what I'm going to do.

Suddenly my head started to ache,what the hell is this I think I'm not fully healed yet but I know that my shoulder isn't related what's going on with my head.

"Hey where are we going?"She asked

"It's a secret you'll know when we get there my princess"I took her hand and kissed the back of her palm.

"I love you"I whispered



"You mumbled something, what is it?"

"Nothing I said uhm..I said nothing yeah that"

"Yeah,yeah just drive"she chuckled cutely

What the hell?

I might go home and not go there my head really hurts.

But I'm curious so I continued my journey.

I arrived at the place and I entered the place.

A guy approached me and led me to the said car.

I saw the car was completely crushed at the front and it's literally broken.

I went over to the car to inspect it.

I was looking through the car and one thing caught my attention.

It's a keychain.

It's really familiar to me so I took it.

The look of the keychain is not really recognizable so I planned to fix it back home.

The car looked familiar it's even my favorite color.

I took the things that caught my attention and went inside my car to put the things I took from the car.

Unknown's POV

"Brother"Someone called me from the back


"It seems like they're making some progress"He said taking a sip if his champagne

"Why don't we do something about it?"

"Yes but this time..

Let's do it with our own hands"I smirked at him by the thought of us killing him.

"That excites me"He said, a grin plastered on his face.

You might've survived Son Chaeyoung.

But this time we won't let it slide, this time you're going to suffer even more than what you've experienced.

I'll do it slowly but painful.

I'll do it right infront of your eyes.


Sorry if it took so long and this is a little bit short because this chapter is the continuation of the last chapter so yeah.

Please support my other stories it's actually other ships like SaTzu and JenLisa I hope you guys read it and maybe ship them?

I have lots of ideas for new stories I don't know if you guys want me to release it or something.

So be ready for some angst?not really but let's see.

To be continued..

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