Part 41

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Hirai Momo's POV

3 subjects almost passed already and Chaeyoung still did not attend any of our classes except for the ones before our lunch then boom. He disappeared

Where could he be?

I went over to Mina to ask her

"Mina-ya~~" She hummed and looked at me

"Do you know Chaeyoung's whereabouts?"

"I was wondering where he could be too"

When we were having lunch he actually excused himself before the bell rang but never came back.

Dang it I have to talk to him about our performance task I might fail this semester.

Our proffesor gave us our free time today and I sensed that she was lazy to discuss.

I went out of the classroom to buy food since I'm kind of hungry.

I was about to go back to our room but I saw a mysterious guy standing by the hallway that is being renovated so nobody uses that way..

Am I seeing a ghost?

Omg don't tell me hotel del luna is real.

I am not scared tch who would be scared that show is not creepy at all.




I faced the guy and to my surprise it's..


"GGAMJJAK-IYA"I growled at him

"I'm sorry babe but it seems like you've been staring at the distance for quite a while"Oh was I?

"Oh sorry it was just.. I just- you know what never mind"

"Come on tell me"

"It's just that I saw a man standing by that hallway where no one goes in isn't that creepy?"

"Maybe it was just the guard and was roaming around the school"

"But it was standing there"

"Or you've been watching alot of Hotel delulu or whatever that show is and you're imagining things"

"It's Hotel.Del.Luna"I stated firmly

"Whatever babe I'm just going to walk you to your room and I'll be going"

"What were you doing here anyways?"

"The professor got mad at me and told me to go out, now let's go" He held my hand pulling me to the classroom but I pulled my hand

"Wait you got in trouble?! Again?!" I said almost shouting but still calm

He sighed

"Why?" I raised and eyebrow at him while crossing arms

"I was dozing off in class while he was discussing some boring shit and I was busy thinking of you, now let's go before the next professor arrives and scolds us two because we have the same class"


Myoui Mina's POV

Hours have passed by already and I haven't seen him.

Where could he be?

It is now currently the last subject I haven't seen him.

Normally he'd be here messing with me.

Even Momo doesn't even know where he at.

Maybe Tzuyu,Dahyun and Jeongyeon know, I'll ask them later.

Hours passed and I'm infront of the school gate.

I texted him but he didn't reply.

I ran to the parking lot and to my surprise his car was still there.

Where could he be?

I called him and texted him but he didn't reply to any of my texts..

What's up with him?

He was okay just this morning..

Where are you Chaeyoung?


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