Part 23

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Myoui Mina's POV

I woke up feeling dizzy.It was like my room was shaking for no reason.

I searched my whole room with my eyes and there I found Chaeyoung sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Oh you're awake already,good evening pengu"He said and stood up

"Good evening"I replied with a smile thinking that he didn't leave me.

"I'll prepare something for you"He stated before walling out of the room.

I position myself sitting on the bed getting ready to get up my eyes were still tired even though I just woke up but it feels like.

I went downstairs to the living room seeing Chaeyoung with an apron cooking something,he's really boyfriend material--scratch that husband material,Miyeon is really lucky to have him as her boyfriend well,they're both lucky because they have each other.

"Hey cub"I greeted him with a low voice and he slightly jumped.

"Yo you scared pengu"He then looked at me while speaking.

"Sorry I didn't mean to"I said in a low voice

Aren't you going home?"I said concerned but he took it the other way.

"Why you don't like me here?"He said and pouted.Please don't put I might go crazy infront of you

"N-no I didn't mean it that way,what I meant was it's already night time and you're not going home?"I sat one of the chairs waiting for him to get finish

"I'm going to sleep in my condo tonight I haven't been there for months it's probably covered with dusts"He was finally finished and served the food for me.

"Are you not going to eat?"

"No I'm full already I ate out of boredom when you were asleep"He said and sat on one of the chairs coolly.

"I mean why didn't you leave you literally stayed for hours"I said and started eating my food.

"Nah it's alright you're my bestfriend anyways so it's nothing"He said and winked at me.Right,bestfriends.

"Hey you okay?"He said and stared at me with a concerned look.Stop looking at me like that.

"Y-yeah I'm fine"I only flashed him with a quick and thin smile and looked away immediately.

After a few minutes later he stood up.

"Hey I'm going home take care alright"He then walked to me and messed my hair.This guy really.

"Drive safely tiger"I shouted

"I will"He replied

At least he cares for me.Right?

The next day

I woke up feeling energized I guess I am fine now I feel good I'm not sick anymore.

I happily skipped to my bathroom and showered I don't have to tell you even further details don't I?

I then was dressing up but I heard someone bust the door open.

"Hey sis Chae's downstairs already,don't be a slowpoke and prepare fast bye!"He rapped and was panting what's wrong with that guy?

So I did my thing quickly and dressed up with our uniforms since we planned to wear uniforms today.

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