Part 16

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Son Chaeyoung's POV

After that incident and after Mina got everything she forgot we went straight back to the campus walking on the campus halls there's alot of people I know that we are well-known but there's so many students.

People were taking pica of us walking together I sensed that Mina distanced her self from me.

I look through the crowd and one person caught my attention.


I wanna go to her I want to hug her and all that she probably saw the news which will never be real I really don't want to hurt her.

After seconds that she saw me staring at her,so she quickly left.I'll catch up on her later on.

I walked Mina to her class the usual thing I do I rushed outside to find where Miyeon is.she is nowhere to be found.

I ran and ran but I couldn't find her her anywhere in the garden where we always go,Our favourite spot,our squad's secret hidden room.

There's only one place I haven't been yet.The rooftop

I went up the spiral stairs leading to thw rooftop I ran as fast as I can to the rooftop I was catching my god damn breathe when I got there I saw Miyeon sitting looking up the sky

"Miyeon.."I called her softly

Cho Miyeon's POV

I ran to the rooftop when I saw the scene and the news.Does he really have to do that?

Jealousy is taking over me I must tell him I know I like him but he never asked me to be his well one time but I wasn't prepared that time I thought he was joking and I myself too didn't obelieve him.

But he asked me if he could court me I quickly said yes to the idea of him courting me I've liked him since we were kids I know that Hoseok was Chae's friend when I was in states I was kind of getting information from here even though I was in states.

Tzuyu said to me that he was liking this girl which he never met,ever in his life probably love at first sight I was saddened at the thought of him not liking me but I didn't loose hope I kept on liking him trying to convince myself that he'll like me someday somehow.

(a/n:me to my crush be like)

But I know from the very start he liked Mina I know that she's the brother of Chae's now enemy

I was thinking my life out I was damn jealous.

"Miyeon.."Before I could turn around I already knew it was Chae's voice the man I've always loved

"Please forgive me my love the news wasn't real I know we aren't a thing yet I just don't want you to be jealous"I was touched by his comforting words he really knows how to make a girl heart flutter he might be a bad boy but that that's how he loves someone he values them alot.

"We aren't a thing yet because you never asked me too"He hugged me from the back while I was sitting.

"What do you mean?"I just sighed

"Nothing"I said but he suddenly let go of his hug and walked infront of me

"Cho Miyeon my love I know this is not a good timing but I want to tell you how much I love you,scratch that I will always show you how muchI love you,may I ask you one question?"He asked and I just raised my eyebrow at him and mouthed 'what'

He took something out of his pocket and I was surprised but it.It was a necklace it looks so expensive.

"I've always been carrying this around so that whenever a great time comes I'll ask you to be mine"He pulled me up so I stood up and he suddenly kneeled it's like he's proposing.

"Cho Miyeon the girl I've loved since before will you officially be mine?"

I nodded nonchalantly

"Really?"He said happily

I nodded again and he hugged me me tightly and spun me around

"I am so damn happy right now that you're mine I love you so much"He finally let go of the hug and kissed my forhead. I closed my eyes cherishing the moment.

"Do you forgive me now"He said looking straight at my eyes.

"What do you think?"I said as I hugged him burying my head in his chest I want to stay like this forever.

"I'll take that as a yes"He said and kissed my forehead he's so sweet and caring.

"I've finally decided"I let go of my hug and looked at him confused.

"I'll stop the bet for you"WHAT?!?

"But you don-"He cut me off

"No buts I don't want you to get jealous but I'll continue the bet for a week and that's it my full attention is on you and I will announce to everyone that you're my one and only"He said and intertwined his hand on my mined.

"Let's go but we gotta let go our hands when we get there just this once my love and I'll stop this nonsense"his sweetness is killing me he's making me fall for him even more.

We walked down the stairs still holding each other's hand but when we reached where people are we quickly let go of each other's hands.

One week will be quick And his attention will all be on me.

I saw him with Mina once again his usual doings I know that it's all an act so I don't have to be jealous because he's mine.I feel relieved.


Sorry if this turned out as Miyeon and Chae's love story I'm very sorry I promise I'll make more MiChaeng moments but sweeter.AND ATLASTTTTT I'm graduating please congratulate me if you don't I'll cry nah I'm just kidding anyways my graduation is on April 2 make sure to go there jk anyways thanks for reading.Nyeongan💕

To be continued..(maybe?)

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