Part 29

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Myoui Mina's POV

After leaving Bambam standing there I went straight to Chaeyoung's room.

I knocked once and then twisted the door twice since in my first try it won't open.

When I opened the door,Chaeyoung was on his phone talking with someone and I went straight to the comfort room I need to pee.

After doing my business I accidentally eavesdrop on what they were talking about.

The caller was on speaker.

"Sir we found a car"-Caller

"What does that relate to me?"-Chaeyoung

"Sir we checked and it's under your name sir"-Caller

Well that isn't surprising since Chae has many cars.

"Where'd you find it?"-Chaeyoung

"Sir it was on a hill"-Chaeyoung


"I don't remember having one of my cars crashed or whatever"-Chaeyoung

Yes I know for a fact that he takes very good care of his cars.

"Sir we found old bouquet of flowers and an old phone which is not working anymore"-Caller

"Alright,tell me more details about it and I'll go there tomorrow"-Chaeyoung

The call ended and it was okay for me for Chaeyoung to go there they said that he's discharging tomorrow,but he needs to rest.

"Yah Mina why are you taking so long there?"Chaeyoung shouted and I heard footsteps coming closer then it stopped.Crap.

I opened the door immediately my eyes widen on what's infront of me

It's Chaeyoung and she-she's 1 cm apart from me almost our lips touching.

My eyes widened,I was frozen in my spot,I couldn't move inch of my body.

What's happening?

"Yah Mina you okay?"I blinked multiple times realizing that he was already in the bathroom.

"Y-yeah"I quickly shut the bathroom's door and went to the couch blushing.

Damn it what were you thinking Mina.

I pulled one book from the shelf and turn it to a random page then put it over my face.

When I heard the doorknob click I immediately act like I was sleeping,I don't know why but I want to.

"Yah Mina-oh nevermind"he stopped maybe he saw me 'acting' asleep.

I opened my eyes and I saw him looking at me and-HE'S ONCE AGAIN A CENTIMETER CLOSE.

"I know you weren't sleeping"He said smirking at me.

"Y-yah d-distance yourself"I stuttered pushing him softly away from me.

He did what I said but sat beside me.

"You've heard the conversation didn't you?"I raised my left eyebrow,what conversation?

"What do you mean?"I asked him while he's playing with the book.

"The phone call earlier,before you decided to act asleep"He teased me which that made him earn a punch from me.

 ᎢᎻᎬ ᏴᎬᎢ - MICHAENGWhere stories live. Discover now