Part 18

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Son Chaeyoung's POV

This guy just comes out of nowhere saying 'hey babe'

I looked at him confused,I looked at Mina and she was raising her left eyebrow.What?

"Leave us alone DK"She said and rolled her eyes

Oh she knows him,not surprising she's famous.

"No,I'll make you mine again"Wait what?!?

"Oh come on can't accept the fact that I broke up with you?"He said I could see a little embarrassment written on his face.Savage

"Didn't you enjoy what we had Minari?"He said and took Mina's hand about to kiss it but she pulled away

"I never liked you DK I only dated you because of a dare or supposedly a bet"He said and laughed woah bro

"Leave her alone"I finally spoked and he looked at me and widened his eyes.

"U-uh I'll b-be going"He said and ran away he should've done that long ago

"You should've spoken earlier I guess he fears you"but remembering what Mina said earlier made me damn scared I have to admit to her early

I'm planning on admitting to her this upcoming prom but I don't know how.

"Mina how about we eat outside later"I have plans with Miyeon but she knows what I've gotten myself into so I know she'll understand.

"I'll see you later"I said and kissed her head

When I stood up I saw Miyeon on the lockers.Crap I'm dead

I tried to avoid her gaze but-

"Chaeyoung"Oh damn that's cold.


Sorry I'll update later this is the first time I wrote a short one like a VERY short one.I can't get my head up I feel very sad and I graduated two I feel sad leaving my classmates they are very important to me and also my crush hehe I'm about to cry now I'm very sorry I'll update later

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