Part 6

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Son Chaeyoung's POV

After 2 subjects it was finally lunch time and I guess i have to act like I'm really asking for forgiveness to that mina girl or for short you could say her servant.

Me?Son Chaeyoung?the son of the owner of one of the most famous companies and the owner of this university is a servant by a cold ballerina?

No way,but either way I have to,it's for the revenge I needed to.

I went straight to Mina's room looking for her and there I found her exiting her room with uhmm who?

I walked towards her and the girl beside her.

"Hey"I coolly said,yeah I am that cool gotta brag for a lil'

"Uhh hey?"she stated coldly,don't know why but I felt kinda scared with that.Not that scared literally

"Care to introduce me to your friend?"I said to her being uhh idk?Nice?

"Aish do I really have to?"She said bored

"Just her name will be okay"I said showing mi dimples to her

"She's Nayeon,happy?"She said looking at me bored

"Y-yeah"I said acting very scared while scratching my nape

"Were going to the cafeteria now"She said but before the could walk away I stopped them

"Mina wait"I said which made them stop

"Can I atlease accommodate you guys to the cafeteria?"I said to her pleading,Damn acting is very hard thankfully I know how.*Winks*

(A/N:I'm cringing so bad goshhh)

"K"She said uninterested and threw me her bag thankfully I catched it,How can a girl be this bossy god damn who's your mama and how could she raise you like this?!?

(A/N:uh yeah I wrote and got that from who's your mama by the one and only Jyp)

We walked to the cafeteria while me carrying her bag and my bag thankfully both weren't that heavy.

"Where are you guys going to seat?"I asked them and they just pointed where they were suppose to seat but girls were already sitting there

Mina walked first and me following behind them.

"That's our table"She said coldly and scary.

"Excuse me we sat here first"The girl who sat at the middle spoke

"But didn't you know this is our seat?"Mina said and gave them a deathly glare

The girl was about to speak but I faked a cough and the girls who sittingturned their attention on me and that made them widen their eyes

"U-uh were going now,uh hi Chaeyoung h-hehe"The girl said which made me raise my eyebrows confused.The freak was that anybody care to explain?

The girls went away and Mina and Nayeon was it Nayeon?Yeah I think it was.

"You can go now and give me my bag"She spoke and pointed to her bag,which I immediately put down beside her.

"Yeah I'm going now but can I fetch you later?"I said which made her raise an eyebrow,probably confused

"Uhm for valentines day"I said and scratched my nape,HOW DID THAT COME OUT OF MY MOUTH?!?

"I know I have a servant but I didn't know I had a chauffeur"She said with sarcasm

"I'm asking you out to a dinner please agree it's valentines day anyways"

"Ye,yeah now go"but before I turned she immediately turned away which before she turned around I saw her blush a little.Yes it's working.

"Okay take care"I said to her and left
Walking out I heard alot of murmurs the hell do I care anyway?


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