Part 33

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I woke up and head ache greeted me as soon as I opened my eyes and sat up.

I don't remember anything.

All I could remember is that I talked to an asshole and went to a bar and that's all.

How did I even get home?

Someone knew me in that bar? Or maybe they found out that I was there.

I'll ask whoever I see in this house.

I stood up on the side of my bed and wore whatever shirt I found.

I found a tank top and just wore it and wore my slippers.

I went out of my room and of course closing the door behind me.

I smelt something from the kitchen.

I thought it was the maids but no it wasn't.

Wait, what the hell is she doing here?

"Hey what are you doing here?"I asked but still frozen to my spot

"Making you breakfast"She said like nothing's bothering her

"Miyeon you don't have to"

"You don't want to see me anymore?"God I shouldn't have said that, did I hurt her?

"No it's not like that.."

"You've been ignoring me"I said sadly.

Yes you heard it right she's been ignoring me.

"Chae wait for your breakfast, I have to tell you something"She commanded and I obeyed.

I pulled the chair in front of me and sat on it.

I just waited for her to cook.

And for your information I'm bot checking her out.

Might sound defensive but I don't do those things.

Well sometimes.

Did I just confessed?

Freak it erase that what am I thinking?

She prepared everything for me.

I insisted that I should help her but she refuse.

"Aren't you eating with me?"

"No, I already ate don't worry"

I started eating since I was hungry.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush and tell you Chae"I was actually kind of nervous on what she was going to say.

"Chae, after we graduate and what I promise to you that we will be back together"

"Can we just cut that out?"I was shocked by what she said.

I should feel hurt but I felt nothing.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry"She lowered her head and I decided to cheer her up and make sure that she knows that I don't feel bad and I understand her.

"It's alright okay.. I get it, you have many reason I know and that's why you decided to cut that out"

"But can we stay as friends?"I asked

"Wait you're actually fine with it?"Her aura brightened up.

I hummed and nodded in response.

"And yes I'm happy that you still wanted to stay as friends"She smiled purely.

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