Part 12

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Son Chaeyoung's POV

I was thinking twice of backing out our bet.

Was Mina the one I really adored back then?

If she was I wouldn't mind but she's bossy,cold at times.maybe that's the main reason why so many guys fall for her,but I promised myself to never fall inlove I still like Miyeon that'll never change.

I said to Mina that I was busy with something but the truth is I was on my way to talk to my friends and the other reason was I was going to fetch Miyeon so that we all could gather.

But unexpected things happen.

I was walking to the university because I parked my car somewhere.

And then I saw Mina outside the school and was on her phone probably calling their chauffeur.

I hid on the wall so that she wouldn't see me from here.

And then I heard a scream,well that's really god damn unexpected.

I peeked at them and saw Mina chasing after the guy that who was her phone.

So I put on my hoodie and ran to the guy as fast as I could.

I caught up to the guy and stopped him and took her phone away from the theft,gosh people these days just like taking things.

And I turned around and saw Mina behind us while I tie this guy up. and called the cops to arrest this guy.

"C-chae,I thought you were busy?"Mina finally spoke to me stuttering

"Yeah but I came to pick you up since it was cancelled a few hours"I reasoned out come on reject it,then I gave her phone back

"Here,think twice before pulling out your phone in the public you never know what comes next"I said to her

"Thanks,I already called my chauffeur so no need"She said and walked with me out of this aisle

"Alright,I'll be going now"I said and went the other entrance to the school so that she won't notice me going inside again.

I immediately went to Miyeon who was waiting for me in the garden so that people wouldn't gossip about us,so O immediately put on my mask to cover half of my face.

"Miyeon let's go?they're waiting for us"I said as I got to her and hugged her from behind.

"You know,I missed you since you were busy with that bet"She said as she faced me.

"I'm sorry I'll make it up to you"I said as she put her head at the crook of my neck

"Alright let's go"and dang she dragged me to the exit,I wouldn't let anyone do this to me except for her.

As we got into some crowds I immediately put on my hoodie.

People were looking at me on why I was so covered.

I just ignored them and continue walking.

Miyeon was on her phone on the way and showed something to me.

"Look,that was just minutes ago bit were already on the school's news"She said and showed me it

'Cho Miyeon spotted holding hands with a guy with a hoodie and mask,who could it be?'

"You are too famous that's why"I said as we both chuckled

"But you're alot more famous than me and we know that"

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