Chapter 5

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I have no idea what time it is but the light through the curtain is very bright and disturbing. When I check the time on my phone, it's already past noon. I overslept. This whole meeting got to my head, I never oversleep. I get off of the bed and make it. I bath and then I cook. It's already Thursday and I have no plan.

The kids are outside having a serious chat and I don't have to know the topic. The mood there just looks serious. Naledi is still mad at me. I send Lesedi to go and buy bread and Naledi accompanies him because she doesn't want to be left alone with me, I guess. A few minutes after they leave, I hear the gate open.
I go outside and say," That was quick, did you guys..." When I lift my head, it's not the kids. It's Zandile, the "true friend" .

"What do you want Zandile?" I ask her.
I don't even want her here.
To be honest, I don't even know why I'm being rude to her.

"Mmampho please hear me out. You can't seriously shut me out like that." I let out a big sigh and give her a chair to sit down.

"Why are you here?"

"I actually have great news for you. I'm sorry about the other day, I just didn't expect that whole favor that you asked and I should have responded in a way that a friend does. So..."

"Hold up! So you think--uh, maybe I can't hear you properly. You think that I was mad at you because of the way you responded? You must be kidding me."

"Shut up and listen for once please!" She raises her voice at me. I keep quiet immediately.

"Sibusiso will be visiting his family for the whole weekend so you're welcome to host your meeting at my house."

What? Is she for real? I'm too excited, I can't even stop smiling. I don't say anything for a while and instead I give her a hug to show appreciation.

"You're welcome." It's like she was reading my mind.

When the children walk in, Zandile stands up to leave. They both give her hugs and we go inside. I tell the children that Zandile agreed to lend me her house for Saturday and Lesedi is happy for me. When I saw that Naledi was standing up to leave the kitchen, I grab her hand and tell her to sit down. I then sign to Lesedi with my head to leave the room.

"My baby I know you're mad at me for not letting you go to the sleepover and I'm so sorry but you can't give me silent treatment forever. I know you're responsible and you will be able to keep our secret so it's okay, you can go ."

"You're not joking right?" Her frown immediately changes to a grin.

"Nope." She jumps to hug me and I smile.  It is nice to see her smiling again.

She asks Lesedi to accompany her to the place and she starts packing quickly and immediately left for the sleepover. I was wrong to say no in the first place so I just had to make up for it and let her go.

So it will be Lesedi and I for the night.


Early in the morning I hear a knock on the zinc door. I thought I was dreaming, but it doesn't seem to go away.

"Mom." Lesedi whines from his sleep.

"Just go get it."

I immediately wake up and check the time. It is ten o'clock. It's still very early for visitors. I put on my black slippers that I got last week and drag my feet to the door. I open the door and with my sleepy voice I say, "Hey Zandi, what is wrong?"

"Your meeting is tomorrow, we need to go grocery shopping right now, I'll help you with cash if you need it." Such a touching thing to do but it's at flipping ten in the morning.

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