Chapter 36

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The drive to this place was quiet and felt really long. I tried to keep my cool and the only way I could do that was if my mouth was shut and zipped. I was rapidly shaking my right leg and Chris kept looking at me every two seconds. I wanted to tell him to stop but I felt like it would start a conversation that I would not be able to finish.

I saw that he was worried about me or something. My eyes were completely focused on the road, while my mind was picturing the worst case scenarios of this night- I could not be able to pronounce the items on the menu, I could stumble and fall unto a waiter, or I could just be random and make a side comment that they do not get.

I checked the time a lot. I would probably check six times and the small screen displayed the exact same numbers. It seemed to go by really slow. 

I feel like time is a real teaser in this world. I mean, it flies when you are having fun and  when you want the moments to go by slowly but in moments where you cannot wait to get to or can't wait to get over, the darkest moments, it drags. It feels so long. Just like this past ten years of my life. Those years went by really slow. It was soul-sucking.

I wonder how Thabo and that man-stealer, Sarah did. Did they end up getting married or he just left her like he left me? I wonder how his life turned out too. I hope God punished him for what he did to me, and his children. I do not like wishing people a bad life but Thabo deserves it. He deserves whatever bad that is coming his way, just for taking someone that loved him dearly for granted. My worry over today's date got me thinking about totally irrelevant people.

When we get inside the restaurant, Chris scans around. I guess he is looking for his friends.
"Table for two?" A tall light skinned waiter, Theo, is his name according to the tag on his shirt asks us. He is really tall, taller than Chris but he looks twenty or younger. His face is smooth except the mustache that lays above his lips. He is wearing star black, a color that is said to symbolize darkness, depression and the opposite of happiness. My favorite color.

Why do I think assessing everything about this young man here will help me escape from this night? I should calm down and just let everything be.

"No we are looking for a couple, the woman is..."

My mind trails away before he could even finish.

This restaurant looks like it sells expensive food. I expected anything less from Chris' circle. Everyone in here looks like they have stacks of cash in their pockets, wallets or bags.

The music is soothing and calming, for these people not me though. My one-night anxiety is nothing that music can soothe away. They all look happy and seem to be enjoying whatever is on their plates. The waiters have everything under control. They are wearing matching clothes, and they all have grins covering their faces. Fake! They have to wear those grins to get tipped. I think they easily get tipped here since only rich people come to this place. That's what it seems like.  The lights are dimmed in the most romantic way. Yes, this is definitely the right place for Chris' friend to pop the big question.

The tables are spaced out nicely. I can hear the clinking of cutlery and the glasses and it sets an easier mood. The thick air I felt is starting to feel lighter, although I don't feel like I belong. The atmosphere is so laid back, the high beaming ceiling and the eclectic decor is perfect for the ambience.

The waiter directs us to the table, it's about five tables from the entrance. Here we go. Chris holds my waist and shows me to the table. I only see a woman.

A beautiful light-brown eyed colored woman. She has dark brown curly hair that bounces off her shoulders. The ends look newly-trimmed. She is gorgeous. Her red lipstick really brings out the color in her eyes, and so does her red dress. Her facial skin is so smooth and it glows under the dimmed light above the table. She is pressing her blue iPhone. All of these people use iPhones huh, Chris has a white one, slightly bigger than this woman's phone. She has a nose piercing and the blue diamond nose stud she has on suits her.
Her red dress is v-shaped and exposes her cleavage and I am just hoping that Chris isn't staring.

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