Chapter 57

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Lesedi's POV

I thought I could hold myself until next year, but I cannot. Here I am, smoking in my father's backyard. My mother really infuriated me, my sister too. Orateng rolled this joint for me and I am about to smoke away my problems.

I light it up and sit on the grass.
Like a canon, my chest pushes out the smoke in rapid, deliberate bursts. The smoke I let out from my lips floats upward, distorting and fading into mid-air.
Holy Christmas nuts! This feels good.

I think I am hearing footsteps.
Oh! No!

Please don't be my mother, please don't be my mother.

If my mother catches me smoking, I am as good as dead.
She might have infuriated me but I still do not want to disappoint her. I cannot even begin to imagine the disappointment that will cover her face when she finds out that I have been smoking this whole time.

"Hello!" The person says with a shaky voice, it is my mother.
I hold my breath, and try to extinguish the scent of weed from my clothes. That is going to be a hard task since I did not bring my body spray down here.
Oh my flip! What am I going to do?

The footsteps are getting closer.

Okay now I think she went back to the house, time to hide this joint. I rush further into the backyard and start looking for a place to hide it. This task would be easier if we still lived in those bushes back home, this yard is completely clean, I will have to dig a hole to hide this.
Thinking of it, if I do that, I will not be able to smoke it again. Now, what do I do?

I notice small bush besides the wall.
Bingo! I hide it just before she gets back.

I have exactly forty five seconds to come up with a lie. I am gradually becoming my mother, that's scary. I am a boy, it isn't supposed to be like this.

"Reveal yourself." My forty five seconds is up.
I walk slowly towards them and my mother takes me in for a hug. She asks me what I was doing and why do I smell of smoke. I just have to tell a little white lie now.

I was going to say that someone broke in but left because I scared them away, but I think the one I am going to say will be manipulative enough to take their minds off this.

"Dad, I forgive you. I thought about it and I should not be holding on to the past, I am glad that we are going to be a happy family." I let a tear escape my eye, a crocodile tear.

Truth is, I still loathe my father, but this is how I am going to get out of this situation very easily. I just give them what they've always wanted.

"I love you mommy and daddy." I hug both of them.

"And mommy, I am so sorry for being insolent earlier, I went overboard and I shouldn't have and I know for sure that you do not have favorites." I say, they looked shocked and happy. I think they bought it.

I was serious when I said that I will never forgive him, now all I have to do right now is pretend that I have forgiven him.
I should get a grammy for this.

"Though, why are your eyes red?" Mom asks me.

"I was crying duh!" I smile shyly.
Lying is that easy when you have done it literally your whole life, like me.

"I am so thrilled that you forgive me. In fact, tomorrow we are going out to celebrate."

Ugh! Pretending to love this guy, might just be harder than I thought. I hate them for disturbing a good smoking session.

I am just glad I got away with this.


I am glad that I am done with school for the year.

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