Chapter 6

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The following Saturday, the meeting would be held at Helen's house. So when that day arrived, I dread it.

The meeting that was held at my house the previous week went pretty well. The ladies bought it, they thought that was my house. There was one moment when Naledi asked me where the plates are but I was able to get myself out of that situation with yet another lie. I told them I moved the plates. Anyway, the meeting was a success and that's all that makes me happy.

I get up to get ready and use the address in my phone to get to Helen's house. 

It's so beautiful and appealing. Her garden is beautiful. It's so unfortunate that her heart is not as big and beautiful as her house. I'm admitting to myself that this house is beautiful but I have too much pride to say it to her face. Only because she is full of it and gets on my nerves.

"Hey Mmampho, get in and stop admiring my house so much."
She does not deserve any compliments. This house distracted me. I did not even realize that everybody was going in.

"Sadly." I fake a smile and roll my eyes when she isn't looking.

The meeting goes well and I'm so glad how these meetings have been going, no one reminding me that I owe them. I just have to pay back Thembi. I'm glad she is not nagging me about it. Unlike someone!

The time to eat arrives and the food smells so delicious. It looks mouth-watering too. Why does everything in Helen's house have to be so perfect? I hate it. I guess I am also like her, I do not like it when things are great for her. It is so delicious and I wish I could ask for more. It's Helen's house, I can't show her that it was great. I can't even take leftovers for my children.

"Mmampho, aren't you going to take food for your children, like you always do?" She then laughs quietly.
My smile that was caused by the things Mariam was saying suddenly became a frown. I let out a big sigh and chuckled.

"Now why would I feed my children the food that you cooked?" We're always bickering like children and it's starting to get old.

Mariam clears her throat and stands up to clear the table and take the dishes to the house. I am starting to feel like she does not like Helen as well. I didn't even know that I had it in me to say that to her.

"Because you know you enjoyed my food and apparently you don't cook on Saturdays because you're depending on the food from the gathering."

Oh no she did not just say that. I cannot accept defeat from Helen, never!

"Well, I cooked today because I wouldn't want my children to eat the food cooked by you. They were not nice anyway." I lie to her. I had to. Mariam stopped her from saying any other word.

"You guys must mature. We are in a women support group for goodness' sake, we are supposed to stand by each other and not fight. This has to come to an end.  You hear me Mmampho?"

She shouts and as soon as she calls my name, I furrow my eyebrows. Why is she saying my name. Me? This is not my fault at all.

"But..." I stammer.

"Right Mmampho?" She harshly says.

"Yes ma'am." I give in.

"Right Helen?"

"Yes Mariam."

"It's settled then." Mariam says.

I give Helen a long hard stare before I can grab my things and leave without even saying goodbye to anyone. I am so annoyed. This woman doesn't know me and should not act like she does.

It was a long walk going home but I finally got there and I took money and went to buy beer. I am not even in the mood for chit-chat with my children today. I am infuriated. Helen pushed me this time and she was lucky I didn't beat the heck out of her. It was literally going to go down today. 

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