Chapter 22

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We have been here for a week now. It looks like Lesedi and Naledi are enjoying themselves. That makes me happy. Chris is the best host ever and Mavis has been nothing but good to us. I somehow feel like a queen in this house. I feel very special.

"Let's go eat dinner, Chris said that I should call you." My son says through the door knob.

"I'll come right after I dress." I just showered. I decided to wear the new pajamas that Chris bought for me on Tuesday. The pants are navy blue with white hearts all over them and the shirt is a lighter shade of blue, it has nothing printed on it.

He took the kids and I shopping, he said that he wanted to spoil us. I feel like his idea of giving us the best holiday is spending money on us.

The last time I had a guy spend money on me, I ended up living in a shack after the relationship, who knows what could happen this time around.

When I finish, I head downstairs. The table is already set and there are various things on the table that you could choose to eat.

I see sweet corn, peppers, lettuce and hake on my plate. The last time I had hake was when Zandile took us out on Christmas day. I never liked hake until that day, the way they made it in that restaurant made me love it. It was very delicious, I hope this one is too. I have been here for a week and Mavis' food never disappoints. So this whole time she only cooked for Chris alone? So wait, Chris lives in this huge house alone? Doesn't he ever get lonely?

"So Chris, you live alone in this big house? Doesn't it ever get lonely?"
I ask out of curiosity and to attempt creating a conversation.

"Yes. I have gotten used to it." He replies.

"By the way, didn't you say your son was coming?" I ask.

"The mother had troubles but hopefully he will come tomorrow and to answer your other question, I am mostly at work or my friends visit." He answers both my questions in one sentence.

I would love to see his son.

My phone that I put on the kitchen counter earlier rings. Lesedi fetches it, I tell him to answer it.

"Mmampho's phone hello." He says through the speaker.

"I cannot hear you, please come again and speak up this time." He says again.

"Put the call on loud speaker," I tell him, and he does that.

"Tell your mother that her shack is burning." I hear Zandile say.

Oh no! I guess I should not have asked him to put it on loud speaker, now Chris heard Zandile. I look at him and his eyes are widened, he looks surprised. Obviously.

"Thank you for letting me know Zandile." I say softly before I hang up.
She keeps on ruining my life huh?
I look at Chris again and he looks very confused right now. I have no idea how to explain this.

"What shack?"Are the only words that come out of his mouth.

"Can we..."

"What was she talking about?" He interrupts me, his tone is a little bit harsh this time around.

"Can we go talk in your bedroom." I ask softly, I don't want the kids to see this. They also don't know that I lied to Chris about our lives.
He does not say anything.

"Please Chris." I say as I put my hand over his, but he jerks it away. The kids look frozen, as if they do not know what to do.
Chris makes his way upstairs and I follow him. The kids look worried and I assure them that I'll handle it. I hope I'll be able to.

He sits on the bed and faces the window. I cannot tell if he's mad or sad. I just hope he does not have a history of beating up women.

"What was that lady talking about?" His words come out harsh again.

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