Chapter 42

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Thabo and Naledi seem to be catching up. Thabo better not disappoint my child. I go to them and tell Naledi to go and change her uniform because I want to talk to her father.

"Is Lesedi okay?" They both ask in unison and chuckle.

"Naledi leave." I tell her.

I tell Thabo to go outside with me, I do not want the kids to hear our conversation.

I take a deep breath before I begin the conversation.

"I loved you so much. I loved you deeply but you went and broke my heart, intentionally. You knew what you were doing, you literally kicked me out and I was pregnant. You did not show any mercy. I lived providing for your children with God knows what, I had no source of income, I depended on government grants for goodness' sake Thabo. Why would you do that to me? Now you come back ten years later, rich and happy and act like you feel sorry for me? Act like you are all sorry for all the trash that you did. What the flip?" I shout, trying so hard not to be heard by anyone that might be in the kitchen.

"And the kiss stunt you pulled yesterday, what the heck? Why did you kiss me? Just because we kissed, you think it's okay for you to come here?" I ask, still acting like I did not like every second of it.

He kissed me the same way that he used to kiss me before all that drama in our lives, before he cheated. It felt like the old days, the good old days.

"How many times must I tell you that I mean this? I am truly sorry. I am so sorry that I kissed you Mmampho. Okay fine, let's both act like that kiss was not phenomenal, like it brought back no memories at all." His voice is higher than mine was, harsher too and he raises his hands in the air.
I knew he did not change. Why is he acting like he did not just get engaged?

It's both of us and nothing around us. That is how I feel right now. Never have I thought that in a million years, would I see this person again. I thought I would never talk to him like I am right now.

"You are insane. Just leave please. I do not have time for this."

"Mmampho please forgive me."


A car parking at the gate interrupts him.
A red AMG Mercedes, Angela's car. More trouble? Oh my gosh! What does she want here? I honestly do not want more stress.

I go in and take the gate remote and open for her. I honestly did not want to.

She steps out of the car, with the highest pair of heels I have ever seen. I am guessing her favorite color is red.

"Thabo." Angela comes towards us and hugs Thabo, and she fakes a smile at me.
They greet each other as I am fidgeting with the keys.

She has a sly smile, what is she up to now? We cannot talk when Angela is here, Thabo has to leave.

He says we still need to talk and I should sleep on whatever we talked about.

I choose to walk around the yard instead of going to Angela. I will go crazy if I went in there.

Chris gets in after a few minutes of my pacing in the backyard.

"Why is Angela's car here?" Is the first question he asks me.

"I have no idea. She is inside though." I reply.

So apparently, she is sleeping over for a few days because she has a few business meetings nearby. Is that allowed? To sleep at your ex's place because you have a "business meeting" nearby. Your baby momma? Am I supposed to be okay with it? Is Chris supposed to be okay with that? Is that normal in the normal world.

My world is nothing close to normal. It's a whole mess. Just when I thought things could not get any weirder, the ex girlfriend of my current lover is sleeping over. Chris did not object or ask if I am okay with it. I know he has to be nice sometimes but this is way beyond nice, this is too much. He has to ask right? Isn's that how relationships work?

It's dinner time and Chris bought pizza.

"Why are you here again Angela?" I ask, with clear rudeness in my tone. I just want to give Chris a hint that I do not want this.
Am I acting jealous or any woman would feel awkward about this?
Their only connection should be Gift, now there are random sleepovers? Gift is not even here. Is that comfortable they are with each other? How long ago did they even break up?
Chris nudges me with his elbow.

What? Is he serious right now?

"Uh...I am full." I go up to my room.

Maybe I am missing something here or maybe I am being crazy? I do not understand this. Imagine if I sleepover at Thabo's.

Chris ran up to me. This seems to be a tendency.

"What is wrong?" He asks me.

"Really Chris? Really? Why didn't you tell me that Angela was coming over?" I ask.

"I--I didn't know."
Why don't I buy this?

"Right..." I fold my arms.

"For real Mmampho I did not know this."

"So it's normal that your ex sleeps over, you really expect me to just be okay with this? Without her even giving you a heads up? Is that the dynamics of your relationship with her? Outside of co-parenting, you do this? When I ask, you have the nerve to nudge me?" My voice is calm, the pace I speak in is quite slow.
I want him to digest each and every word that I am saying, and this time, no sobs are disturbing my speech.

"She is the mother of my child and..."

"Cut that nonsense. Ugh! Are you for real right now? So because she's your baby momma, she can come sleep over anytime? To hell with your current lover's feelings?" I ask.

"Mmampho please listen."

"No, you listen. How do you think I feel that your hot obnoxious ex girlfriend is sleeping over and you have no problem with that? She just came in uninvited but you say nothing. Is that normal Chris? Is it? Clearly Angela will never respect me." I raise my voice, the pace is not slow anymore.

"Okay I am sorry, I will tell her to leave."

"No don't. I am not controlling. Let her stay but this must be the last time, she has to call first." I say, I mean that in the generous way possible.

"Actually, I'm pretty sure Angela can afford a hotel. This stunt is not cute." I walk out of the room and leave him and his non-existent boundaries in my room.

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