Chapter 29

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"Are you coming with me tomorrow to register the kids at a new school?" Chris snaps me from my thoughts. I jump at the sound of his voice. I did not think anyone was watching me. I would never do that when someone is watching me. He is leaning against one side of the door as he smiles. I forgot that I did not close the door on my way in.

Now I wish I could turn back time and close the door.

"H-h-how..." The words struggle to come out since I'm still startled. I feel  embarrassed that Chris just saw all of that.

"How long have you-you been standing there?" There is a small pause in my sentence.

"Long enough to see that my girlfriend also hid the fact that she can dance from me." He says as a small smirk appears on his handsome face. His eyes appear to be more attractive when he smirks.

"Stop!" I giggle and throw a pillow at him. "I cannot dance and let us pretend like you did not see that." I tell him.

"Why should we--?"

"Yes I will go with you to register the kids." I interrupt him and answer the first question he asked. I don't want to talk about what he just saw.

"You can go now, I want to finish off unpacking." I say to him.

He was coming inside but I pushed him back. This time, I will make sure the door is shut.

He does not fight me off, he goes out and I close the door.

"It does not help closing the door, I took a video of the whole thing." He says.

What? Did he just say he took a video? Isn't that against the law or something.
I open the door immediately as the words sink in and I run after him.

"Chris!" I shout and he runs downstairs. I am not known for running fast but this is fun. I just want to get that phone and delete that video.

He wants us to act like seventeen year olds and I am too old for games. This body is not that strong anymore, it has carried two kids for goodness' sake.

"What's wrong with you two?"Lesedi asks as we reach the lounge.

"Grab the phone from Chris' hand please." I shout.

"I will buy you a soccer ball if you don't." I think Chris just said to my son.

I gasp. That is not fair at all, Lesedi has always wanted a soccer ball. By the time we get to the kitchen, I am already tired and I lean against the counter and gasp for air. My chest is sore and my throat feels like it is on fire. I even have an ache in my stomach.

I ask Mavis for cold water and she gives it in a clear tall glass. My hand is even shaking, this just shows how unfit I am. Chris does not even show tiredness, he is just laughing at my loss. He still has my embarrassing video and I just realized that even if I got his phone, I would not be able to unlock it. I ran so much and I only figure that out when I am already tired. Wow! When I finish the glass of water, I ask for another one and I apologize to Mavis for disturbing her and giving her orders. She tells me that it is her job. She is such a sweet woman.

Chris keeps flailing his phone in the air to rub it in my face. He also tells me that I am lazy, I am acting like I just ran ten kilometers. This happens when your diet is not balanced and you still drink a lot of alcohol when I should have been drinking water.

I went to sleep at about quarter to ten. The thought of waking up at half past five in the morning just makes me tired already.

Apparently we have to wake up early and go to the school because Chris has to go to work right after that. Chances are slim that they are going to get accepted but I am hoping they will.

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