Chapter 30

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After a seventeen minute drive, the car stops and my eyes widen at the sight of the castle-like building that stands behind the black tall gates. Okay maybe not castle. This is literally the biggest school I have ever seen in my life. If it was not for the learners scattering like mice around here, I would have mistaken it for a royal court.

The top floor is painted in peach and the windows are highlighted in royal blue. The royal blue paint surrounds the small dark brown aluminum awning windows. The windows have no burglar bars and they are big enough for a person who is obese to fall right through them. Okay maybe that's an exaggeration but they are big. My kids better be careful. I seem to get the thought that parents only bring their children to this school because of the exquisiteness of the school. Now this is the school that I would have liked to go to sixteen years ago.

The parking lot is packed with expensive cars. The teachers must be loaded. The pavement looks like it was only formed two days ago, it is very clean.  I look up and at the top of the building is a big sign written Mailyn Combined School in royal blue.

The playground is colorful. The see-saws and swings are painted in various colors to attract the little ones I guess. They are running up and down the playground. They are just cute little balls of energy. Some cuter than others.

We step out of the car and follow the reception sign to go to the reception. The floor is tiled in white glossy tiles and I can almost see my reflection. They look more like the ones in Chris' house, except that his are bigger.

The woman behind the reception desk is a blonde. She has freckles and her skin shows no sign of pimples. She does not have make-up on. She has her hair tied up in a high bun and the beige blouse she is wearing brings out her small grey eyes. She has those long noses that Hitler used to identify Jews with, I read it from Lesedi's history textbook. It is amazing what boredom can do to a being.

"Good morning ma'am and sir." She gives Chris and I the smile she has been giving to every parent she has been talking to ever since I got into the building. The smile looks almost fake, although I understand that she is forced to smile, she has to be nice to keep her job.
I would get tired of being forced to smile to everybody I see. I mean she is still expected to smile giving a parent a report card that has "not achieved" written on it. I cannot believe I lied to Chris and said that I am a receptionist, I would be horrible at this job.

"Good morning." Chris is the only one that replies. I am just looking at the trophies displayed in the glass cupboard, and the picture of the top achievers of the school. The awards on the walls also caught my attention. The kids in this school seem to be doing well. I think Naledi and Lesedi will be in good hands.

"We came to enroll two children if there is still space." He says to the lady.

"What grades?" The lady asks him, the fake smile on her face does not seem to go away. Don't her cheeks get tired of all the smiling?

"Grade four and eight." He responds.
I should be the one answering the questions but instead, I am admiring the beauty of this school.

The lady seems to be checking some papers on her desk and I am still looking around. I hope there is space for my two babies. She says, "grade...four," quietly as she goes through those papers and I step closer.

"Yes sir, there is space but we have to see all the documents and the results and if we are satisfied with their performance, we will call you. You can fill in these two forms sir and we will call you in ten to fourteen days." The lady says. But schools are opening in a few days...they will miss two weeks. But I do not raise my concerns. Instead, I continue to admire the school.

"Can I have a pen?" Chris asks and the lady gives it to him.

Chris gives me the form to fill in while he gives the receptionist the documents so that she makes copies. I staple the copies together with the form I was given then give them back to the blonde.

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