Chapter 23

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I am glad that last night ended well. I am just wondering where we are going to go after the holidays. I will have to make a plan, but I cannot think of one right now.

It's 15:00 and I offered to make dinner. It is a way to show Chris how thankful I am that he forgave me. Mavis also needs to rest sometimes. I don't know how to cook those rich people's food but I thought it was a good idea to bake him scones. I know they are good and I hope he is going to love them.

While I am busy in the kitchen, the door bell rings. I open the door and there is a skinny lady wearing a red dress. She is pretty and her body looks like she could model. She is wearing black heels and she has the cutest toes I have ever seen. Her dress is just above the knees and she also has a black hand bag, it looks very expensive. She is light skinned and her make up is perfect. Her nails are also done, they are beautiful and medium sized.

Everything about her is beautiful, she has a big nose though. That nose does not go well with that face. She looks like she has too much pride too. Besides her is a small boy. Small boy? This must be Chris' child and his mother. Chris' ex girlfriend is very hot. I can never compete with that.

"Hello, I'm Angela. I am guessing Chris got a new maid, how are you?" The pretty lady says.

She sounds well spoken. She sounds like she has been to places, she has travelled and  she knows pretty much everything. I am very offended that she thinks I am somehow Chris' new helper, I know I have an apron and flour all over my face and on the apron but she must have put it in a form of a question and not an assumption.

"Hello Angela. I am well thank you and yourself? Although I am..."

"Could you take these to the other big guest room, and my son's luggage to his room please. Please pour me water too, I am parched. I am going to the bathroom, when I come back my water must be in the room because I want to nap so bad. I am exhausted. Thank you." She interrupted my attempt to explain that I am actually Chris' girlfriend and not his maid.

She drops everything besides me and they both walk passed me. I will just do as she says, I will explain all of this to her later. I did not know she was sleeping over, I have a feeling this is not going to end well.

She is so demanding, she gave me orders like she pays me. I mean even if she was giving these orders to Mavis, she does not pay her either. She has no right to do that, she did not even say please. I should have been rude to her but this is not my house and after what I did, I should be on my best behaviour.

I started by taking their things to their rooms then I fetched water for Angela.
I have known Angela for twenty seconds but I already know that she is bad news. She is hot and all but she seems like the arrogant type. She seems like the type that would never accept to live or associate with people like me, poor people. She seems like she is judgemental and obnoxious. I can't keep up with such people. I have a feeling she is yet another Helen, just with loads of money.

"Thank you for the water, uhm...what's your name?" She asks.

"Mmampho." I tell her.

"Ok, please shut the door on your way out."

I did as she told me and went to the little boy's room to give him the rest of his stuff.
I knock softly on the door and he tells me to come in.

"Hey, here are your stuff." I tell him.

"Thanks." He has a really cute voice.

I would be happy to be part of this little boy's life. He is respectful and quiet. He looks like his dad, the cute eyes, the cute little lips, he has dimples too and you can hardly see his eyelashes. He is too adorable.

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