Chapter 45

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Mmampho's POV

Chris and I come in from our date when we spot Angela in the kitchen. This woman is full of surprises. She is wearing short, pink silky pajamas. The pajama shirt has spaghetti straps and it is tight on her chest, revealing her cleavage. Her shorts reveal her skinny legs and they are baggy. One of her straps has fallen to the side of her shoulder and I cannot help but think that it was deliberate.

"Hey love birds. I made dinner." She says with enthusiasm.

"Hey, we brought dinner." I scoff as I take the take-away bag from Chris' hand and place it on the counter, being scornful towards her.
We went out for goodness' sake, we would obviously bring food for the family, including the uninvited guests.

Chris is gazing at her, or is he gazing at her body? I nudge his arm with my elbow and he comes back to the real world. I hope he was not fantasizing while gazing at Angela's body.

I make my way upstairs, I need to shower. I have the confidence to leave these two alone downstairs.

Apparently Naledi and Lesedi are doing homework. Well, Lesedi is sleeping for some reason and it's only 20:42.

When I am done showering, I make my way downstairs to call Chris.

"You are the one that I want Angela, I would not..."

I am leaning against the glass stair rail when I clear my throat to make them aware of my presence which startles both of them, especially Chris.

I run back upstairs and he follows me.

My chest ached at his words. So he does not love me? Why is he even with me? Maybe he just sees me as a charity case. I can feel myself breaking down. Why does every guy I trust seem to let me down?

He was looking at her, directly in her eyes when he said that. He gulped down on his own saliva and his breath seemed to be quickening as he carefully gazed at Angela.

Chris just admitted to his ex-lover that he wants her. I am so disappointed in him right now.

I rush to his room and steal Thabo's number. I feel like aside from Chris, he is the one who used to understand my emotions and could always make me feel better. At this point, he is the only one I know.

"Mmampho!" He calls on me and I ignore him.

"Mmampho please open the door," he continues to beg.

Please come pick me up at Chris', I will tell you the rest when you are here,
I type a text to send to Thabo.

I am in tears, a whole flood of tears on my cheeks, with soft sobs. I am planning to ask the same person who's at fault for where I am right now for help? I am planning to make him my shoulder to cry on once again? Do I ever learn? But what choice do I have?

I thought Chris understood me, I thought he actually loved me. But the look he had on his face felt like a sting to my half-mended heart. He still knocks and I am not able to think anymore.

I finally send the text to Thabo and he instantly replies.

who is this? I read his text.

Mmampho. I reply.

Okay, I am on my way. His next text reads.

I feel like my heart has been torn to shreds again. When things are this bad, where does one run to?

A few minutes later I get a text from Thabo that reads,  I'm here.

I take a few deep breaths before I open the door.
"1...2...3." I count softly and open the door.
I rush downstairs and take the key from the counter, unlock the door then press the gate remote. Chris is chasing me but did not catch up. Thabo opens his door for me and I get in, slowly gasping for air.  It makes it obvious that I have been crying.

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