Chapter 19

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Like he promised, he came after two weeks. As usual, we met at Milani's shop. I like how he does not ask questions about us meeting there anymore. It is way better when he does not ask questions. I just hope someday he won't drop me off at Zandile's house since that is where he thinks I live.

"How are you Mmampho?" He asks as I am getting into the car.

"I am good thanks and yourself?" I reply.

"I am good too. Just a little exhausted. I just came from work." He says.

He is wearing a black jean with some white Nike sneakers. His shirt is also white and it is a long sleeved. He actually looks cuter. His dark brown eyes are my favorite of all his facial features. No, also his lips. They are the color of his complexion, he is a light-skinned guy. His eyes are actually small, it's a fair size according to me but he says they are small. He says that his mother and father do not have small eyes like he does.
He is driving at 120km/h, I am keeping this in mind in case those kids want more "details."

I laugh softly at my own crazy thoughts. He looks at me and starts smiling.

"Why are you laughing? What did I do now?" He asks me.

Is he insane? What would he do? I continue laughing softly and before I say something, I bite my lip. If I was looking at myself in the mirror right now, I bet I would see my eyes sparkle.

"Nothing, I was just thinking." I tell him.

"About what? Is something wrong with my make-up?" He says and chuckles.

What? Did he just say make-up? What kind of a man wears make-up? Or is it what rich people do? Is that why he looks so perfect?I am very confused right now and I think I look confused because he looks at me and laughs harder. He better not be laughing at my clueless self about this man make-up that I have never heard of.

"Mmampho that was supposed to be a joke." He continues to laugh.

"Oh, oh" I chuckle. I look very embarrassed too.

"I knew that." I did not know that, at all. My laugh totally sounds fake.

He looks at me like he knows I am lying.
"Yeah right." He says sarcastically.

"What, I knew that." I assure him, trying to sound like I mean it this time.

"Okay." We both laugh. It is priceless. I have never had a real laugh in a long time. Normally after I laugh, all my dark thoughts come back. To avoid them right now, I continue to engage in a conversation with Chris.

He is really making my afternoon very great. Chris is a great friend. Friend. We are still friends, he keeps his boundaries and we have never gotten too close to each other. We have never even hugged. Oh no, I am wrong. We hugged but the hello and goodbye kind of hugs not affection hugs. Whereby you don't want to let go and all of that. We have never had that.

Is Chris some alien? I mean like, not every guy is like this. Maybe all he wants is friendship or he really respects women but either way I like it. Although a kiss won't kill anyone, we are adults. It is okay though, I prefer his way. My way is going to get me really hurt. I am too forward I guess.

We went to the same restaurant we went to on our last date. I guess it is his favorite. I ordered the same plate I ordered the last time we were here. I really liked it last time and I have been craving these for weeks now. The waiter is nicer than the last waiter though, too nice. He deserves a large tip.

He checks up on us too much though. It sucks how we would be in the middle of a conversation, and some waiter guy comes up to us and says, "Do you guys need anything else?" Yes he is being nice and doing his job but it is too much. I am not that patient and if it wasn't for Chris, I would have snapped at the waiter already. I know he doesn't deserve it but it's like he has been sent to annoy me or something.

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