facetime call

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Later that night around 8 p.m., you sat at your desk working on homework and coming up with ideas for how you and Josh's make up should look.

You: Hey, is there any certain way you want to look for your costume?

Josh: idk

Wow, real helpful there partner. you thought as you set your phone down.

*Incoming FaceTime Call!*

"Why are you FaceTiming me?" you asked as you switched your camera to show your desk and not your face.

"Wow, you've really changed since I last saw you." Josh teased.

"Ha-ha very funny." 

"C'monnnnn show me your face." the yellow haired boy asked.

"No and again why are you calling me right now?" 

"I'm lonely." Josh said with a pouted bottom lip. 

"You're pathetic." you commented.

"Ouch, that hurt," he spoke while clutching his chest in fake pain.

"I'm hanging up." 

"No! Wait!" he quickly said before you had time to end the call.

"What Josh!" you jeered.

"Show me what kind of make up you have and I'll try to figure out what I want, I guess."

"Fine. Hang on."

You stood up from the desk and frantically made yourself presentable in the closest mirror you had. All that you wore was a tank top and old gym shorts that were far too small, and your hair was messy and all over the place from having taken a nap an hour earlier. Oh, and you may or may not have been rocking some super fluffy panda slippers.

"Any day now..." you heard him say from your phone across the room.

"Hang on, jeez," you insisted with a small laugh.

"Did you just laugh?" Josh questioned. 

You looked over to your screen and saw him still holding the phone in view of him, with a large grin spreading across his lips.

"No..." you lied as you grabbed your phone and began walking towards your bathroom.

"They call it FaceTime for a reason, you know." the yellow haired boy claimed.

"If I show you my face will you shut up?" you asked.

"Perhaps," he said with a smirk. A really, really, really cute smirk.

You let out a heavy sigh, clicking the icon to swap cameras and allowing your phone to focus in on you. 

"Happy?" you queried.

Josh remained silent as he looked you over, with each passing moment making you more and more anxious.

"Here's my shit," you said as you allowed him to view your vast collection of make up you had.

"Wow," he said after what felt like forever of not saying anything. 

"Pretty impressive, huh?" you said with a smile he couldn't see. 

"I don't even know what 99% of that stuff is." Josh marveled.

"Yeah, a lot of this stuff we don't have at school 'cause it's so expensive. Plus I really like doing make up, so I buy a bunch of things here and there."

"Oh really? That makes sense." the boy insisted.

What is that supposed to mean?  you thought.

"What do you mean?" you questioned.

"Well, first off, let me see your face since I'm doing looking at your products." he began, with you blushing and swapping camera angles.  "Second, you're really in to art. I always saw make up and cosmetics as a form of art in itself."

Damn, this dudes deep.

"You're the first guy I've ever heard say that." you admitted with a small twitch pulling at your lips. 

"Well, I've got little sisters. I know a thing or two about being an independent woman who don't need no man," Josh joked while flipping fake hair over his shoulder. You couldn't help but let out a tiny giggle.

"You're a dork..."

"HA!" he exclaimed, "I got you to laugh!"

"Good for you. Want a cookie?" you teased. 

"Only if they're chocolate chip," the yellow haired boy argued.

Wait, we have chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen... you thought with excitement.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone for the night. You gonna be in class tomorrow?" Josh questioned as he moved around in his bedroom.

"Oh no you're fine," you insisted.

"You coming on to me, Glasgow?" he questioned with a wink.

"As if!" you snorted.

"Oh my God did you just snort!?!" Josh questioned with a large fit of laughter following afterwards.

"Shut up!" you giggled.

"That was so cute!" the boy added.

"Whatever..." you challenged as you sat back down at your desk and closed up your textbooks.

"Can I ask you something Y/N?" Josh requested.

"You just did." you acknowledged. 

"You know what I mean," the pale boy said with a sigh. 

"Go 'head," you said while propping your phone up against your wall so you could move freely while Josh could see you.

"How come you're so quiet?" 

"I don't know. I guess I'm just not a people person." you proposed while shrugging your shoulders.

"You seem like a people person with me right now?" Josh testified.

"Yeah well what we have going right now is a bit of a shocker for me too, Dun." you said as you bent over to slip your assignments and folders into your bag. 

"Nice," the boy critiqued from your phone. 

You looked up at him to see what he was talking about. Sure enough, it was about your cleavage that peeked out from your tank top.

"Perve." you griped. 

"You're the one bending over in front of me in a tank top!" Josh replied.

"What do you mean!?! I'm in my own house at now 9 p.m. in my pajamas!"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding, damn..." the boy huffed.

"Oh, so now you're saying my boobs aren't nice?" you prodded. 

"God no, they're perfect," the teen said with a large exhale as he ran his fingers through his bright yellow curls.

You stood there in surprise, blushing like an idiot at the remark.

"Well, I'mma get going. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night Y/N." Josh said quickly.

"Good night to you too, Josh." you laughed as you two hung up.

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