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You watched Josh from the side of the stage, grinning when fans would cheer them on as Tyler would scream certain parts of songs and when Josh would rock out like no other on his drum set. God, it drove you nuts seeing him get so in to drumming, with his sweat dripping down his body and his arms flexing from how muscular his upper half was. You'd never thought seeing a sight like him could make you so turned on, so turned on that it hurt. The two were only half way through the set list, and you couldn't take it any longer. You walked off towards Josh's dressing room, closing the door and locking it behind you. You knew Josh would get angry if you touched yourself, but seeing him like that almost made it impossible to not have something inside you or grinding against your clit. 

You straddled the arm rest of the couch, lightly rolling your hips against it in an attempt to ease your sexual tension. People "shift" constantly when they're sitting, so this technically isn't touching yourself, right? A soft moan tumbled from your lips when you felt the friction rub you just right, with your eyes closing as you bit your bottom lip. 

"Y/N?" you heard from the other side of the door with the door knob jiggling.

"O-One second!" you hurriedly said as you dismounted the couch and opened the door.

"What were you doing in here?" Josh asked with sharp tone.

"Nothing, daddy," you answered.

"Daddy, hm?" the sweaty drummer smirked. "You don't say that unless we're doing things."

"Sorry, it just slipped..." you said nervously.

"Were you touching yourself?" he said with narrowed eyes as he shut the door and inched closer towards you.

"No..." you lied.

"Something tells me you're lying, princess. Are you lying to me?" he interrogated.

"Y-Yes," you admitted while looking at the floor. "You looked so good on stage...I...I couldn't help it."

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you." he growled. 

You looked up with your teeth holding your bottom lip between them.

"What were you doing to yourself before I walked in, hm?" he asked.

"...Humping stuff..." you said with embarrassment as your cheeks flushed. 

Josh sucked on his bottom lip as he looked you up and down before taking a seat on the couch and motioning for you to come over.

"I have to be on stage in five minutes. You're going to do something for me in that time, and if you don't, we're going to be back here until you do. Is this understood?" he said lowly with him patting his right thigh.

"Yes sir," you said quietly while taking a seat on his lap.

"Ah, ah. No. Straddle my thigh." he instructed with you obeying quickly.

"Wh-What are you making me do?" you asked nervously.

"Daddy's going to take care of his little girl," Josh said with a smile as he tipped your jaw up to look into his gorgeous eyes.

"Really!?!" you said with excitement and a wide grin.

"Indeed," he smiled, "but you're going to do it as I seem fit."

You huffed slightly, with Josh smirking as he pressed his thigh up against you.

"You want to hump things while thinking of daddy, hm? So be it. Go ahead. Get your sick kinks. I'm here, so do it." the drummer commented.

"Can I take my panties off?" you asked with a smile.

"No. Now do as I said or God so help me I will fucking break you." Josh hissed.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now