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To say that Tyler was fuming because of you and Josh not being finished pleasing one another until after 8 a.m. was an understatement.

"I said 7 a.m. ! We're going to be late because you two couldn't keep your hands off each other!" Tyler griped.

"You need to get laid." you said to Tyler while you three sat down on the tour bus couch.

"Agreed." Josh laughed.

"Suck my dick." Tyler hissed.

"Only if Josh is okay with it." you smirked.

"Wait, what?" the brunette said in surprise.

"Yeah, what?" Josh said with narrowed eyes as he stared his best friend down.

"I'm kidding, babe." you laughed.

"No, go ahead." the redhead spoke with a smug grin.

"W-What?" you said with wide eyes.

"Go ahead, suck him off." Josh antagonized.

"Josh I don't know if that's a good idea-" you attempted saying.

"Do it." Josh growled.

You and Tyler looked at one another with raised eyebrows and unsure as to whether or not you really should go through with it.

"Mat is gonna be able to see us!" you said quietly.

"Not if I do this." Josh said while pulling a door closed and blocking the back of the bus from the driver.

"Are you being serious right now?" Tyler asked.

"Do I sound like I'm fucking around?" Josh questioned.

"Okay..." Tyler said as he gave an awkward smile with you returning the facial expression.

The brunette leaned in to you, lightly pressing his plump lips on yours. You closed your eyes and returned the kiss, with Tyler wrapping his arm around your lower back and pushing you up against him. You let out a tiny yelp as he somehow managed to get you to sit on his lap with your breasts pressing against his chest. Tyler ran his hands up your sides, causing your shirt to ride up your hips and expose your hip bones. The brunette gripped your hips, pressing his thumbs into your skin and rubbing small circles beneath the waistline of your panties. Josh came up behind you two and yanked your shirt down, making your breasts pop out and cause you to gasp in shock. 

"Joshua!" you shouted while trying to cover yourself up only to have Tyler pull your arms away. 

Your breath hitched as Tyler's lips wandered, peppering your neck and chest with soft kisses. Josh held your head back as he kissed your lips, with Tyler sucking a hickey on your sweet spot and making you moan. The singer cupped your breasts in his hands and began massaging them. A small whimper left your lips, with your hips grinding down against Tyler's lap as he bucked his hips against you. Tyler latched his mouth on one of your tits, with your hips swiveling as both Tyler and Josh's cocks hardened as they wanted inside your tight core. You shook above Tyler as he twirled his tongue around your nipple and bit down.

"Ah~" you hissed with your back arching against the brunettes lap with Josh reaching his hand down to rub you through your leggings.

Josh wrapped his hand around your throat, pressing down as Tyler's eyes widened in excitement.

"Oh, she likes to be choked, hm?" he asked.

"She's got a lot of fucked up shit she's in to. Isn't that right princess?" Josh said as you bit your lower lip and pressed yourself against Tyler's lap and Josh's hand.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now