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..."and then we released it May 17th and we got the first three songs of the album on the radio within only a few weeks, and now it's gold!" Josh gushed.

"Oh my God, Joshie, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" you said with a grin as you finished getting ready.

"I still can't believe it," he said with excitement.

"My little rock star," you giggled as you walked back into the bedroom once your makeup was done.

"Just think about how many people are going to be able to connect with everything we worked so hard to's unreal..." the redhead realized.

"You're going to save a lot of people's lives from your music, babe." you assured with a smile. "And from the looks and sound of things, you may just be able to not have to worry about college anymore."

"I wasn't even doing it for the thought of money...I'm just so happy I was able to have people connect with Tyler and I's music and be able to relate and appreciate it." he admitted.

"You are truly an inspiration, mister Dun," you complimented while kissing his cheek. "I really am proud of you. You deserve this."

"Thanks, Y/N," he sighed with content.

"Not to change you need to get a change of clothes since you wore those yesterday?" you questioned.

"Yeah, probably would be best." he admitted.

"Do you have any that you brought with you?" you asked.

"Yeah, Tyler brought me a change of clothes when I was at the hospital while you were still kind of out of it." he replied. "They're in your car."

"Well, that was less of a dick thing for him to do." you said with raised eyebrows as you tossed Josh the keys to your car for him to access his clothing.

"You really don't like him do you?" Josh chuckled.

"Nope, not really." you smiled.

"Well, if we're going to be friends then you might just have to get used to him. He is my band mate and best friend, after all. He's told me before that he was sorry for what he would say to you in high school." the redhead told.

f r i e n d s you thought, with the title it not setting easy with you. Why is it so bad to just be friends? you wondered.

"Is that why he called me Smiley on the phone?" you prodded.

"...yeah I don't know about that part. He can defend himself on that one." Josh sighed with you laughing. "I'm gonna go grab my clothes."

As Josh walked downstairs, you sat on your bed and read through different posts and tweets from your social media accounts. When the redhead reentered your room, he eyed you as you laid on your stomach and scrolled through your phone.

"It looks like we've got around an hour and a half before I have to head out for the signing." Josh said as he glanced at his phone then immediately back to staring at your ass.

"Okay," you said while kicking your feet in the air lazily, "I can give you a ride."

"Thanks," he said as he sat next to you in your bed.

"Mhm," you hummed while still looking at your phone. Josh bit his lip as he looked at the curvature of your figure.

"You know, when you were in the bathroom I turned on Netflix for you..." he trailed as he ran his hand up and down your back, "but you might have trouble concentrating while my tongue is circling your clit."

Your eyebrows shot up with a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips as you set your phone down and turned to face Josh .

"Oh is that so, daddy?" you teased with the redhead nodding as you sat up and began tapping your fingers on the zipper/button region of your shorts.

"Indeed," he assured as he patted his lap for you to sit on. 

You sat yourself in his lap, your back against his chest as he gripped your thighs, squeezing tight enough that it was sure to leave his fingerprints in the skin there. The redhead nibbled on your ear as he ran his hands against your core that was still covered by your panties and shorts. He cupped his hand over your crotch, roughly rubbing circles around your clit area.

"I hear those little whimpers," he whispered between the hickies he was starting to place on your collar area.

"I love feeling your touch," you muttered.

"Do you want to feel it even closer against your skin?" he toyed.

"Yes, daddy," you whined while excitement began taking over you as he unbuttoned and unzipped your shorts. You lifted yourself up from his lap in order to pull down your pants and take them off.

"Such pretty panties covering an even prettier pussy," he said lowly as he brushed his fingertips against you through your panties. Your breath hitched as you felt him do so. The redhead took his middle finger and placed it over your clit, rubbing small circles at an agonizingly slow pace.

"Oh Joshie, please baby~" you groaned as you held the top of his hand that touched you.

"Trust me baby girl, nothing would feel better than running my hands and tongue across every inch of your perfect body," Josh started as he slid his hand under your shirt and grabbed your breast from underneath your bra. "...tasting every inch of your body...exploring it with my tongue until I hear you moan loudly...making you beg for more as I tease with you..."

"Mmm, then do it daddy," you persuaded as you pressed his hand against your core and rubbed yourself against him, making you release small moans from the friction. 

"I was going to, but holy hell do I love watching how you squirm. I think I might just take my time on you, princess." he said with a dark chuckle as he heard you whimper.

"but daddy, I need you so badly," you begged with a pouted lip.

"Beg for it, whore." he spat.

"Please, please, Josh..please make me cum from your touch and have me shake from just your tongue on my soaked cunt...I know you love how I taste, daddy," you trailed as you slipped your fingers in your panties and slid your fingers in yourself.

"I don't recall giving you permission to fucking touch what's mine," he hissed as he grabbed your hand out of your panties. Your bottom lip was held between your teeth as you ran your fingers that were just inside of you against Josh's lips. The redhead groaned as he licked his lips with his eyes rolling back.

"Fuck, kitten" he said under his breath. "Your pussy is like fucking sweet and delicious." Josh grabbed your wrist and lifted your hand to his mouth, sucking and licking off every drop of your juices he could get from your fingers.

"Then come and satisfy your sweet tooth," you giggled as you kissed his lips. 



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