skirt twirls

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You rushed towards the front door once you heard someone knock.

"Hey." you said with a grin as you laid your eyes on Josh who was waiting patiently on your porch.

"I saw your Instagram post." Josh spoke as he looked up from his phone that showcased your picture on the app.

"I saw yours, too." you responded with a small laugh as you leaned up against your door and eyed the yellow haired boy.

"...and?" the pale boy questioned as he walked inside.

"What? If you can post a sexy photo then I can too." you claimed.

"Sexy, hm?" Josh asked with a smirk as he watched your cheeks flush.

"I-I didn't mean to say that specific term," you muttered nervously while shutting the front door and catching up with him as he entered your room.

"Well, I thought the picture you posted was defined as that specific term. If we're being honest." the yellow haired boy said as he sat on your bed and ran his hand across the top of your comforter.

"Yeah?" you said anxiously.

"Yeah." he chuckled.

"Thanks, Joshie." you muttered as you scuffed your feet against your carpet and swayed back and forth.

"You're welcome." he said with a grin. "I like your outfit, might I add."

"Do ya?" you asked with excitement.

"I sure do. Give me a spin, hm?" Josh asked with a smug grin.

You twirled around to display your outfit for him, ensuring that you picked up enough momentum to flash your bum.

"Nice," the pale boy said as he bit down on his knuckle.

"What's the matter, Joshie?" you asked with fake innocence.

" just look really good." he spoke.

"Thanks," you giggled, "you look pretty good too."

You walked up to the edge of the bed where Josh sat and stood in between his legs. As you rested your forearms on his shoulders, he wrapped both his hands around the backs of your thighs and lightly squeezed.

"I've never seen someone pull off thigh highs quite like you do, Y/N." he sighed while toying with the tops of the socks. As in, the tops that were located very high up your thighs and very close to your core.

"Hm, yeah?" you hummed as you tried suppressing a moan once you felt his hands wander.

The yellow haired boy ran both of his hands up and down the portions of your upper thighs that weren't clothed. He cupped his hands on both of your butt cheeks, squeezing them tightly and ever so faintly pulling them apart as he continued grabbing at them.

"You've got such a great body," Josh flirted as he placed a kiss on the middle of your clothed stomach.

Taking both of your hands off of Josh, you pulled off your black long sleeve shirt and tossed it across the room along with the black top that was underneath it. Josh sucked on his bottom lip as he looked up at you standing in front of him in only a bra, skirt, and thigh highs. He took his hands that were on your ass cheeks and shoved you up closer to him so that your breasts were directly in front of his lips. The pale boy pulled his hands away from your lower half as he then began delicately running his fingertips up and down your torso. Josh peppered your skin with a series of small, wet kisses around the areas of your chest that wasn't covered by a Victoria's Secret bra. His sensitive, light touch over your body made your hairs stand on end as you interlaced your fingers with his colorful yellow hair. Josh felt the lace of your bra and followed its path around your rib cage where he then unclasped the back of it and slowly pulled the straps of it down your shoulders. You let the article of clothing drop to the floor with a shy smile dancing across your lips as Josh looked up into your eyes.

"May I?" he asked with a smirk.

"Y-Yes, please." you said in a shaky breath.

Josh nodded before his two hands took hold of your breasts and began gently massaging them. You took your hands and placed them over his, hinting that he could be a little more rough as you squished your breasts harder. You leaned down and placed a passionate kiss on the pale boys soft lips, trying your best to keep from acting on impulse with how turned on you were becoming. A soft whimper came from your lips as you felt Josh ghost the pads of his thumbs over your perky nipples. The yellow haired boy smiled into the kiss as he heard your audible excitement and acted upon it by pinching the tiny nubs.

"Oh~" you moaned softly as you pulled the teen's colorful hair.

The yellow haired boy let out a small grunt from the feeling, signaling he was in to it. He took one of his arms and wrapped it around your lower back, pulling you in a way so that his mouth was flush against your right nipple. Josh circled his soft tongue around your areola while his fingertips repeated the similar action on your left one. You gasped as you felt him move positions and begin to suck harshly on your left nipple.

"OoOh~" you whimpered as you pressed yourself up against him and pulled his hair once more.

The pale boy has such a suction on you that once he pulled off of your nipples, your breast would bounce momentarily.

You ran your fingers down Josh's torso and pulled at the bottom of his gray NASA shirt. The yellow haired boy chuckled as he pulled it off over his head and tossed it alongside your stripped articles of clothing, then quickly reconnected his lips with yours in a heated, fast paced kiss. You pressed your hand against his chest and made him fall back against the bed, quickly taking advantage of his positioning and straddling his waist. Leaning over him you rubbed your hands up and down his muscular, toned chest and gently dug your nails into his abdomen. The yellow haired boy moaned out as he slapped his hand down on your backside.

"Josh!" you said in a hitched breath while involuntarily jerking across his lap from shock.

"Y/N..." he huffed. "I can't do this."

"Wh-What?" you asked with heartache.

"I'm gonna get too wound up for your own good. We can't continue this or-"

"I want for us to have sex, Joshie." you laughed.

"You do?" the yellow haired boy asked with wide eyes.

"Depends. If you get the $100 from your basketball team, can I have you and nobody else?" you asked with flushed cheeks.

"Are you and girlfriend?" Josh questioned with raised eyebrows.

"Sorta. If you want, that is." you said shyly.

"Oh, I want it alright." he chuckled. "Question is, do you?"

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" you wondered.

"Alright, get ready then." Josh warned as he flipped positions with you and pinned you to your bed.

"Get ready for what?" you giggled.

"Me." he growled. "The entire world is gonna know who the fuck you belong to after this, baby girl."  

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now