bunk beds

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"Have fun? I've had to piss for almost two hours." Tyler griped as you both exited the bathroom.

"We were in there for two hours?" you whispered to Josh with your cheeks glowing pink from embarrassment.

"YES." Tyler shouted from the other side of the bathroom door he had slammed shut.

"...oops..." you mumbled.

"Oh well. He'll get used to it." Josh said as he placed a kiss on your cheek.

"I'm so happy we're together again," you sighed as you perched up on one of their bunk beds.

"Me too, baby." the drummer said as he you both stared at the other in a daze.

"Josh!" Tyler shouted as he left the bathroom.

"What?" he asked while snapping his head to look over at his best friend.

"Mario Kart?" he asked while motioning towards the consoles set up down the hallway of the bus.

"Sure! Baby, do you want to play?" Josh asked.

"Why does she get the top bunk!" Tyler complained.

"Tyler." Josh said sharply.

" 'cause I'm fucking the drummer of Twenty Øne Piløts." you teased.

"Yeah you are," the redhead giggled as you kissed him.

"Disgusting. Keep the fucking bunk." Tyler griped as he stormed off towards the gaming area.

"Such a brat..." Josh whispered.

"Your brat, daddy," you flirted.

Josh grabbed his pillow from below your bunk and hit you with it before walking off, making you burst into laughter.

The boys walked off to do their own thing while you sat back in the sleeping area and played with your phone. Slowly you became more and more drowsy, and the sleeping bunks were far from comfortable. You hopped down from your bunk and slid into Josh's, with the smell of him instantly making you more at peace as you snuggled up in his blankets.

"I'm gonna beat your ass," Josh told the brunette as he picked Yoshi for his character.

"Bring it on." Tyler contested.

The two raced one another for hours, with Josh being the one to win. It was 5 am by the time they became burned out on the game and simply talked.

"So, you and Y/N are officially a thing, hm?" Tyler asked while grabbing a soda from the fridge.

"Yeah," Josh said with a grin and blushed cheeks.

"I'm happy for you, man." Tyler replied as he sat next to him and opened his Dr. Pepper.

"I missed her so much, dude..." Josh trailed in thought.

"That's an understatement." Tyler huffed with the two of them laughing.

"I'm so fucking happy she took me back, Tyler," Josh admitted while running his hands over his face in disbelief.

"Same. She seems like a good person." Tyler said while handing his drink to Josh. "I gotta piss again."

"Go 'head," Josh chuckled while standing up and following behind him.

"You gonna follow me in to take a leak or?" Tyler asked.

"No, stupid. I'm checking on Y/N," the redhead griped.

Tyler laughed as he walked into the bathroom, with Josh peaking at the top bunk to see if you were asleep.

"Y/N?" he asked when he didn't see you.

"Hmnnn," you groaned.

"Wha?" Josh said as he look to find you in his bunk, instantly cooing at the sight of you.

Tyler exited the bathroom, with Josh motioning for the brunette to come over to him.

"What?" Tyler asked with Josh instantly shushing him.

"Lookie," the redhead smiled while pointing at you fast asleep.

"Awww," Tyler gushed with his best friend. "That's so cute."

"She is cute." Josh blushed.

"I'm glad you two got back together," Tyler smiled as he hopped up above Josh's bunk. "This is my fucking spot though."

"Whatever man," Josh chuckled with Tyler throwing his pants at his face.

"The fuck dude!" Josh whisper-yelled.

"What? I've always slept in my boxers," the brunette asked in confusion.

"I'm talking about you throwing your pants at my fucking head!" Josh griped while throwing the singers skinny jeans at him.

"Ow! You hit me in the eye!" Tyler complained while smacking Josh back again with his pants.

"Two can play at this game mother fucker," Josh warned as he took off his pants too and smacked Tyler with them.

"This is getting really gay really quick," Tyler laughed.

"No, this is war. Get down here and fight me!" Josh commented.

"Hell no! I hear the shit you two do! If I hit you the wrong way you'll choke me then make me your bitch!" Tyler feared while scooting to the wall of the bus and away from Josh.

"Pansy." Josh scoffed with fake anger as the two laughed.

"Good night fren," Tyler said as Josh slid beside you in his bunk.

"G'night fren," Josh replied.

The redhead wrapped his arm around you and nuzzled his face against you.

"Mph...Joshie?" you asked in a groggy tone.

"Did I wake you baby?" Josh whispered.

"Don'T BE STARTING UP SHIT DOWN THERE," Tyler warned from above.

Josh kicked the top of his bunk, making Tyler slightly jolt in the air from the redhead bumping his mattress.

"Listen here guy," Tyler blurted out while leaning over his bunk to stare at you two. Josh erupted into laughter as he faced his best friends upside down face.

"Go to fricking bed," Josh laughed.

"What time is it?" you asked while rubbing your eyes.

"About 6 a.m" Josh said while pushing Tyler's face away.

"How are you still up?" you wondered while turning to face Josh and cuddling up to him.

"We're usually up pretty late because of shows," Josh spoke. "cAN I HELP YOU?" He asked Tyler who still was leaned over his bunk.

"Don't be fuckin',"

"Hmmm? Sex?" you said while perking up.

"NO." Tyler snapped.

"Moan real loud?" you said while smirking at Josh.

"JOoooOooSH!" Tyler whined

"Stop it babe you're gonna make him stroke out," Josh laughed with you giggling.

"Alright, I'll ease up on you this once." you said to Tyler.

The brunette rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at you before going back to laying in his bunk.

"Good night, asshole." you muttered.

"Night." Tyler groaned. "Pain in my fucking-"

"GOOD NIGHT TYLER." Josh said loudly.

"...meh...good night." the brunette said.

"Good night Joshie," you said quietly as you laid your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Good night, little one." Josh whispered as he placed a kiss on your forehead and rubbed your back until you both fell asleep in one anothers arms.



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