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"Mmph...where am I?" you ask in a groggy tone with your vision slowly coming in to focus. A female nurse stood there working on your medical charts.

"Hi sweetie, it's good to see you awake! I just removed your I.V." she said in a cheery tone. "You had a seizure when you were attending a concert last night, and we brought you here when you fell unconscious."

"I-I did?" you asked as you felt a sudden wave of pain surge through your face.

"You got a pretty nasty battle wound on your cheek when you fell, unfortunately. Make sure you don't touch it." she instructed as she checked on the wound.

"Is Kellin here?" you asked the woman as you closed your eyes again while trying to adjust to the news you heard.

Great. I made an ass out of myself at a show and I've got a fucked up face. you thought.

"Kellin? Is he the gentleman with the colorful tattoo sleeve and red hair?" she questioned.

Your eyes shot open as you looked at her.

"" you stated.

"Oh, well...then, no, I don't believe so." she said as she gathered her small medical cart and prepared to leave.

"Wait!" you said quickly before she managed to exit the room.

"Yes, miss Glasgow?" 

"Where did you see the man you just described to me?" you questioned anxiously.

"Why, he just left to take a phone call. Would you like me to get him?" she said gently.

You just sat there in the bed, frozen and unsure of what to answer.

"I need you to make me look presentable!!!" you panicked.

"You look fine-"

"Don't bull shit me! Help!" you snapped.

The nurse quickly rushed over and started helping you brush your hair down and adjust the smeared make up from the night before. She even gave you a piece of spearmint gum and a ponytail from her own wrist.

"Thank you, I appreciate it," you muttered.

"You're welcome," she said in semi-confusion. "I'll go work on getting your discharge papers."

"Thanks," you replied. 

A knock was heard on the door to your room.

"Come in," you said in an uneven tone. A man with a black hoodie a denim skinny jeans walked in. 

"Hey," they said quietly with them looking up to meet their eyes with yours.

Their beautiful, crinkle-in-the-corners-when-happy, mocha brown, eyes.

Your stomach filled with knots as you both stared at the other for what felt like eternity. What are you supposed to say when the person you never stopped loving stood right before you? And in a hospital of all settings? Something clicked in realizing this was in fact happening, and tears welled in your eyes as you took in the sight of seeing Josh for the first time since you were only teenagers.

"Joshie?" you whispered, with the redhead coming over to your bedside and embracing you in a hug so tight it almost took your breath away.

Your head rested in the crook of his neck as tears fell onto the hood of his jacket. His palm rested on the back of your head as he held you against him while he too began to tear up.

"I was so afraid I was going to lose you, Y/N," he hiccuped as you gripped the fabric of his clothing. He still smelled of the cologne he wore in high school.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" you asked as you pulled away from him and  tried to regain your breath.

"You collapsed and...and I was the one to give you your Glucagon," he said as he wiped his tears away with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"How?" you asked in confusion.

"Tyler and I-"

"Tyler? Joseph?" you asked with a disgusted facial expression.

"What? Yes?" Josh asked with a furrowed brow.

"Gross," you scoffed.

"...anyway..." the redhead continued. "We cleared the area and I saw your boyfriend, who mind you is a total asshole, say your name and I saw it was you. I rushed off the stage to make sure you were okay."

"Don't talk about my boyfriend like that!" you hissed.

"Y/N, he didn't even know you were a diabetic! He stood there talking to a security guard while you were seizing!" Josh said in disbelief.

"He...he doesn't need to know about it!" you pouted.

"Why the hell not!?! If he knew he could have been able to take care of you! But he didn't! He just ignored you and left you in front of everyone to suffer!" Josh said in disgust.

"Just like you fucking did!" you yelled.

Josh sunk down in defeat and turned his face look the other way.

"I...I didn't want to leave you," he muttered.

"Yeah, that explains why you ditched." you huffed.

"It was for school! What else was I supposed to do!" he argued. "I wanted to go so we could live a good life once I graduated!"

"Yeah? How did that fucking work out for you, big shot?" you spat.

Kellin stormed into the hospital room at that moment. "I cannot believe you."

"Sorry," you cowered in your bed.

"Do you realize how much this is going to fucking cost?! And what the fuck is he doing here!" Kellin asked loudly.

"I didn't mean to seize-"

"You're an absolute embarrassment," Kellin spoke. "First you try to kill yourself and then you pull this. I'm done. I'm not dealing with this bull shit anymore."

"What? Kellin please! I'm sorry!" you cried.

You tried to kill yourself? Josh thought with heart ache. 

"I'm over it." he scoffed.

"Don't do this to me," you sobbed.

"You've got too much shit wrong with you. And from the look of things you're fucking someone else." Kellin said as he glared at Josh.

"I am not!" you said hysterically. "I promise Kel!!!"

"What? I show up and take care of her and you think we're fucking? Are you stupid?" Josh butted in. 

"I wasn't talking to you. And no you know what? It's fine. I've been fucking Melanie for weeks. You keep your little fuck boy." Kellin hissed.

"What? ...I...I hate you!" you screamed as mascara and eyeliner dripped down your cheeks with your tears.

"You're a mother fucker!" Josh said as he punched Kellin.

"You want to fucking go faggot?" Kellin said while trying to hit Josh.

One hit was all it took from Josh.
Kellin was TKO-ed.

"Can we please talk?" Josh asked as if he simply swatted a bug off a sheet of paper.

"Um..." you hesitated.

"Please. I'm begging you." he said sincerely. 

"Fine," you sighed.

"Um..." you hesitated.

"And the cost for all of this? Don't worry. I've got it." Josh assured.

"What?" you asked in shock. "Josh, do you know how much that'll cost?"

"Trust me. It's pocket change." he said with a smirk.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now