gøld (* special note)

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The next morning, you woke up to find Josh awake beside you.

"Morning," you said with a small smile.

"Good morning, beautiful," Josh said with a grin as he ran his fingers through your hair and simply stared at you in admiration.

"What are you staring at?" you questioned with a furrowed brow.

"You," he chuckled.

"What? Realizing how ugly I am now that I have this huge gash in my face from collapsing?" you asked with a sigh.

"Are you kidding me?" he laughed. "You are gorgeous!"

"Sure thing," you huffed as you threw the blanket off of you and stood up, totally forgetting you were naked. Your cheeks flushed as you tried covering yourself.

"What's gotten into you?" Josh spoke as he watched your demeanor change.

"N-Nothing, just...forgot I was nude," you muttered.

"So?" the redhead shrugged before stretching while still in bed. "And just so we're clear, you're still stunning. A small scratch doesn't affect that, Y/N."

"Small scratch? I look like Scar from The Lion King!" you worried as you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror.

"Oh shut up," Josh laughed before walking into the bathroom behind you and taking a piss.

"Wow, um, okayyyyy-" you said as you shielded your eyes and looked the opposite direction.

"What?" the redhead wondered while finishing up.

"You're awfully comfortable around me for only seeing me for the first time in so long," you began as you grabbed your bathrobe and put it on.

"I mean...should I not be?" he asked as he started up the water for the shower.

"No please, excuse yourself to my utilities. Really, make yourself at home Josh," you scoffed.

"Why, thank you!" the drummer said with a grin.

You rolled your eyes and sighed as you walked back into your bedroom and shut the bathroom door behind you. Josh started the shower, but until he reopened the door and leaned against the door frame to stare at you again.

"What?" you asked in a tone.

"Attitude?" he said while pointing his finger at you. "Drop it."

"I'm a grown woman," you challenged.

"I don't care. Watch yourself with me." he argued.

"Josh, what do you want?" you huffed.

"Come shower with me," the redhead said as he nodded his head towards the direction of the shower.

"No, really, I'm good." you insisted.

Josh rolled his eyes as he turned to go into the bathroom and shower alone. You smiled as you knew he was in there pouting behind the shower curtain by himself.

*Incoming call!*

You looked at your phone once more, looking to see what the notification was for but nothing showed up. You looked over at where Josh had slept the night before, checking to see if it was his cell phone that dinged; it was.

Gross, Tyler. you cringed as you rejected the call.

*New voice mail!*

Well, curiosity hasn't killed this cat yet.

You pressed 0 and called Josh's voicemail box, anticipating on hearing what it was Tyler had to say for Josh so you could relay the message (or so that was the excuse to be so nosy).

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now