preparing dinner

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That night you watched as Josh performed alongside Tyler, instantly smiling and grinning when the drummer looked over at you and winked or stuck out his tongue. You'd have to admit that when he took off his shirt and heard the stadium full of fan girls scream that it made you a bit jealous. You paused watching the love of your life play when a woman tapped you on the shoulder and caused you to look away.

"Yes?" you said to her. She wore a beige pant suit and looked like she was someone that held a very high role in whatever she did.

"I've been sent by Mr. Dun to bring you backstage." she said with a smile.

"Um...w-what for?" you said with a furrowed brow while the woman held a large grin.

"I don't think you'd wish for me to discuss such a matter out in the open like this." she winked.

...the hell? you thought to yourself as you followed behind her backstage.

"Right behind this door is a few gifts Mr. Dun had arranged to be delivered to you before he got offstage." she informed. 

"Okayyyy..." you trailed, still unsure of what was going on. "Thanks?"

"You're most welcome. Enjoy!" she giggled before leaving.

Slowly turning the knob of the dressing room door, you peaked your head inside to see what all the woman was on about. You blushed as you entered and layed your eyes on a bouquet of roses with chocolate strawberries, and two small bags that had your name written on them. 

"Jeez, Josh..." you laughed quietly.

You smelled the roses before sitting down and casually eating one of the strawberries. Reaching your other hand out you grabbed one of the two bags and looked at the small note that was placed on it.

"If I was there I would make you feel so good...licking down your soft body and between your thighs...God I can't wait to see you once this show is done. " 

"Jesus, Josh." you sighed while rolling your eyes and smiling as you held up the dainty set of lingerie he bought you. A white lace bra with a bow between the breasts, with white straps crossing against the upper part of your chest; the panties were similar, with the center of them dipping down lower than the rest and the straps resting above your hips. (picture below for extra detail 'cause I don't feel like I described that very well):

You walked over to the dressing room door and locked it before heading back over to the table and grabbing another strawberry. Looking at the clock you realized there was probably 30 minutes left until the boys wrapped up on stage, so you stripped into the new set of "clothing" Josh got you and freshened up. Sitting back down on the couch you grabbed the last bag, which read the note:

"Prepare my meal for me, baby girl?"

All color faded from your face as you peaked in the bag to notice a dildo/vibrator that looked pretty costly. Your cheeks flushed at the idea of that lady escorting you in back just to deliver sex toys and skimpy clothing for you and your boyfriend, but it also kind of excited you. Grabbing the toys out of the bag you prepared them for the required task at hand as you noticed the time ticking away for when Josh would be back.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now