sir's vending machine

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It was going on to now three hours of listening to Tyler and Josh discuss matters that didn't pertain to you at all with their manager. You were bored out of your mind and still barely clothed when you attempted to get out of the venue and back on the tour bus. At least then you could put some real clothes on and maybe even get in a quick orgasm while the band droned on.

"Joshie, I'm hungry." you whimpered quietly.

"We're almost done sweetheart." Josh whispered.

"But I want foooooood..." you whined.

"Not now, Y/N." the redhead warned.

You crossed your arms and pouted against the couch, letting out a long sigh as you waited. Another 30 minutes went by and you were about to freak out from how absolutely brain dead you became from sitting there.

"I'm getting something to eat." you huffed as you got up from the couch and exited the dressing room. You didn't even know where you were going but there had to have been a vending machine somewhere, right?

Rounding the corner you saw a small, dimly lit area of vending machines and couldn't help but grin with excitement. Skipping over to get a snack you looked at the selection and figured out what it was you wanted.

"On your knees. Now." a voice growled from behind you.

"Josh?" you asked nervously as you turned around, only to get pinned up against the vending machine by your throat. A soft whimper fell from your lips as you looked up to notice the drummer looking down at you with dark eyes.

"I've fucking had it with your little games." he seethed while tightening his grip on either side of your neck. "You don't seem to get how serious I am with your misbehavior as your daddy, so congratulations, you little bitch. From now on you only call me sir."

Your eyes grew wide as you nodded frantically within his grasp. Fuck was the name sir so much more powerful and intimidating than daddy.

"On your knees. Now!" he demanded before removing his hold around your throat.

Gasping for air, you lowered yourself down to his instructed pose and waited for his next plan of action.

"Trust me, darling when I say I know what's good for you." Josh spoke condescendingly as he palmed his 8.5 inches through his basketball shorts. You looked up at him licking your lips as you saw the outline of his bulge even past his boxers and tights beneath his shorts.

"...I'd say this is for your own good." the drummer whispered as he ran his fingers through your hair and watched as you ran your hands up and down his muscular thighs.

"Yes, sir." you replied as he grabbed your hand and put it over his crotch. A small whimper came from Josh as you cupped him through his layers of clothing and gently squeezed.

"Get to fucking work, pet." he spat with your cheeks blushing as you hooked your fingers around the multiple waistbands he had. You quickly pulled them down and were met with his aching hard on springing from his boxers and hitting his stomach.

Leaning in you used your tongue to kitten lick his beautiful cherry red tip, making him gasp as he closed his eyes. Your wrapped your lips around the head of Joshua's penis and lightly sucked as if it was a popsicle. A perfect, warm, throbbing popsicle that could shoot hot cum wherever you needed it most.

Josh threaded his fingers through your hair as he pulled harshly, making you grunt from the action.

"Make it messy, you greedy little whore." he commanded.

You looked up at him through your eyelashes, lowering your mouth further and further on his shaft until he slid into the back of your throat. The redhead groaned as his hips bucked against your throat, making you partially gag. Josh bit his bottom lip, his eyes screwed shut, and he slammed your head down on his length and held you against him for a few seconds. You looked up and watch as Josh's face contorted in pleasure with his mouth falling slack as he shuddered above you.

"Don't move princess. I want you to feel my cock throbbing in that pretty throat." he grunted with you humming around his cock. Your throat vibrated against his tip, sending him into a haze as his breath hitched. "Mmmm, princess..."

He pulled your head off of him only to thrust his hips once again against your mouth. Tears began to form and quickly fall down your cheeks, staining them black from your makeup you had put on. Your hands cupped the drummers balls and massaged them as you reached his hilt and flicked your tongue against the base of his shaft. Josh let out a guttural groan from the sensation, almost seeing stars from how good it felt. "Keep it up, kitten. I'm gonna cum."

The drummer removed his hands from you, allowing you to bob your head up and down on his dick before pulling off and gasping for air. As your swollen lips popped off of him, a line of cloudy saliva hung to his member and your lips, still connected. You jerked your wrist with a tight grasp on his shaft, with Josh looking down with hooded eyes as he bit his lower lip.

"Mmm...look at that thick, sticky drool...good girl." he praised while cupping your jaw in his large hand.

You winked before holding his cock upright in your hand and dragging your tongue flat against the underside of the redheads shaft. Upon reaching his tip you swirled your tongue around his slit, smearing and tasting Josh's delicious, leaking precum.

"Ah! Oh shit, shit shit shit!" he panted.

"Cum for me, Josh," you whimpered while stroking him. "Fill my mouth with your hot, thick cum. Oh please, sir! Please!!!" you begged desperately.

Josh threw his head back as you quickly dipped your tongue into his slit after speaking, with his hips bucking and a loud moan echoing through the empty stadium.

"Y/N!" he shouted while his body tensed and his toes curled within his white Doc Martens.

"Mmm...mmmhhhhmmm~" you hummed in delight as his cock squirted out jets of his seed on your tongue. Josh's breath hitched as you sucked on his head again, with the drummer groaning as he pulled you off of him and gasped for air.

"B-Baby girl...holy fuck..." he panted with his hooded mocha eyes laying sight of you on your knees. A small line of cum had dribbled onto your chin that you quickly swiped up with your tongue.

"Yes, sir?" you asked with your tone dripping in submissiveness.

"I love you," Josh said with a small chuckle as he pulled up his pants.

"I love you too." you smirked while brushing your knees off and standing up. "Are you hungry or thirsty?"

"Very." he said with his breath finally caught back up to speed.

"What do you want?" you asked while looking at the vending machines again.

"My girlfriends tight, dripping cunt." he groaned before wrapping his hands around your waist and pressing you up against his body. "Spread those slutty little legs open for me."



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