gøing away gift

524 15 10

Josh took his belt from off the arm of the couch, folding it in half and running it across your bare back side.

"Do you know what happens to little girls who back talk me?" he questioned.

"They get punished..." you muttered quietly.

"That's right, pretty girl." Josh spoke lowly. The redhead rubbed the leather article against the inside of your thighs before slamming the piece of leather across your ass, making you jolt forward and yelp.

"Ah!" you hissed as pain surged through your lower half. "O-ne."

Josh whipped your bottom again, grinning as you groaned and clenched your jaw.



"Thr-ee." you said through gritted teeth.

"Only three more, little one." Josh said gently.


You released a loud moan as you counted out the second to last spanking. 


"Was that a moan that I just heard?" the drummer smirked.

"N-No daddy," you panted while trying to close your legs. Josh's hand spanked your thighs and began palming your clit.

"Mmmngh," you groaned while swiveling your hips so that your clit was cupped in his hand. 

"Then who got you this wet?" he growled before spanking it hard. A smirk tugged on his pretty pink lips as he watched your hips go up and your back arch from the smack.

"You like that, don't you?" Josh said lowly as his palm came down on your dripping sex again and again. "My little whore likes getting her pussy spanked?"

You squealed and whined as the drummers hand smacked against you repeatedly. Josh drank in the sight of your hips continuing to grind against him and watch your back arch from the impacts. Standing while the immense amount of pleasure surged through you continually had your knees buckling beneath you.

"D-Don't stop, Joshie," you panted as you leaned over the couch for support and gripped the fabric.

"Show me your tight little holes, baby girl." Josh instructed, with you spreading yourself open for him. 

"Your little cunt is leaking," the drummer grunted with his member aching in his dress pants. He tapped against your bundle of nerves a few more times, furthering his teasing of you.

" 'm close daddy," you whined with flushed cheeks (and lips) as he swirled his fingers around your clit.

"I see that," he grinned. "Cum for me, beautiful."

As you felt your orgasm begin to send you over the edge, the drummer picked up his belt again. Before you could ask him to stop he cracked it against your swollen, exposed mound and asshole that were still being spread from you.


"J-Jos-sh-," you stuttered in absolute agony and pain as he whipped your spasming clit. 

"Keep those fucking legs open." he ordered as he cracked the belt down one final time on your twat.


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