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*** fast forward four months to Christmas day ***

"Merry Christmas baby girl." Josh said with a smile as he handed you a small box.

"Josh, what'd you get me?" you asked with a nervous smile while taking the gift in your hands.

"Open it!" he said excitedly. 

You anxiously opened the small box, with your breath being taken away at what was inside of it.

You anxiously opened the small box, with your breath being taken away at what was inside of it

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^that's my actual promise ring ♥♥♥

"Oh Joshua," you said with your bottom lip trembling as you became overwhelmed with happiness.

"You mean the entire world to me, Y/N...and...and I want to make sure that I never lose you. You're my first and I want you to be my last, babe." he said as he held onto your hand.

"I'm your first?" you asked in confusion.

"m....v..." he mumbled.

"What?" you asked with a furrowed brow. "I couldn't hear you."

"My first love is what I mean..." he said as he looked at you with those beautiful mocha brown eyes of his.

"You love me?" you said in awe as butterflies filled your stomach.

"Yes," he muttered with blushed cheeks.

"I love you too, Joshie." you said as a tear of happiness fell down your cheek.

"Don't cry, or you're gonna make me cry!" he said in a shaky laugh. 

"You just make me so happy, daddy." you giggled as he took the ring and slid it on your finger. 

"You do the same for me, princess." he said as he tucked your hair behind your ear and held your cheek in his hand. He ran the pad of his thumb across your face in order to wipe away your tear of happiness. 

"It's so pretty Joshie...thank you so much," you said in admiration of the piece of jewelry.

"I'm so glad you like it." he sighed in relief. "It isn't much, but I figured we could do baby steps in upgrading it. So I didn't want to go all out for your promise ring. I want to do that for the real thing for your wedding ring come time for it."

w e d d i n g    r i n g  you replayed over and over in your head.

"I love you so much," you repeated with the pale boy saying he felt the same.

*** fast forward to May of next year, during you and Josh's high school graduation ***

"We did it!" you cheered at you and Josh's graduation party. "We finally did it Joshie!"

"Y-Yeah we did, princess," he stuttered.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" you asked with worry.

"I...I got accepted to a college," he began.

"Oh Josh that's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" you grinned.

" it isn't amazing," he sighed. 

"Why not?" you wondered with a furrowed brow.

"It's really far away," Josh muttered.

"C'mon Joshie, it can't be that far. It's okay," you said as you kissed his cheek.

"''s pretty far," he said with a trembling lip.

"What are we talking? 20 minutes? 30 minutes away?" you questioned with a nervous knot forming in your stomach.

"...2,000 miles."

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now