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"Good morning," Josh said as he stood outside of the theater room before class.

"Morning," you responded. "Why are you out here?"

"Was waitin' on you." he said casually.

"Oh...okay then," you brushed off.

"So, hey I was wondering, do you think we could like...I dunno. Hang out at your place and do our makeup?" he asked.

"You want to hang out with me?" you questioned quietly.

HE WANTS TO HANG OUT WITH ME?!  you screamed internally.

"Well, I mean it's for the project and all..." Josh said while he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Right..." you muttered before saying it was okay to hang out.

"Sweet, I'll come over around 5 p.m.," he said with a smile. 

"Okie dokie."

--- fast forward to lunch time with Josh and his group of friends ---

"I got her number, made her laugh, AND I'm hanging out with her tonight." the yellow haired teen bragged.

"Bull shit!" Brendon laughed.

"I'm being serious. Look, here's her number, and I'll post Snap's of us tonight," Josh beamed. 

"Looks like someone is getting their $100..." Gerard scoffed as he took a sip of his soda.

"I didn't know Y/N was such a whore." Tyler stated.

"Dude, right?" Brendon added.

"Well wait why is she a whore?" Josh questioned. 

"I mean you're both gonna fuck tonight, and she's only known you for day?" Dallon said.

"Well there's no guarantee we're gonna do anything just yet-"

"Then why are you messing with her?" Tyler wondered.

"She seems kinda cool actually," he began. "I mean, she's super hot too...but we talked a little last night and she doesn't seem all that bad."

"Whatever you say bucko, keep lying to yourself!" Gerard teased. 

"Speak of the devil, look who just texted me." Tyler bragged.

You: Hey 

"You got her number already?" Josh questioned.

"Sure did," the brunette chuckled as he texted you.

Tyler: hey you

You: what's up? :)

Tyler: nm, just thinking about you

You: ahah...that's a little weird but okay

"Man, she's a bitch," Tyler whined.

"What'd she say?" Josh asked.

"Look," he said as he handed Josh his phone and let him read the texts. The yellow haired individual couldn't help but giggle at your honest remarks. 

"I think you're the bitch Ty, not Y/N." the pale boy said in your defense.

"Eh, whatever. I just want my $100." he sighed.

"We all do man," Brendon said from across the table.

"Then go get her number, forehead." Josh spoke.

"I'M WORKING ON IT." he shouted.

"Is it only me and you who have her number?" Josh asked Tyler.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now