wake up call

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That next morning you awoke to Josh's phone blaring his alarm to signal for you both to wake up. The redhead groaned as he threw a pillow over his head and ignored his wake up call.

"Josh, honey, get up." you said as you stretched your arms out and listened to him continue with his light snoring.

"Baby. Up." you repeated while tapping his side.

"Meh." he griped while turning off the alarm only to lay back down. 

"Joshua." you warned.

"Just gimmie like five minutes babe, please?" he pouted as he covered himself back up in the blankets.

"Fine." you said as you rolled your eyes and entered the bathroom to shower. 

Sure enough, fifteen minutes after taking a shower and entering the bedroom, Josh was asleep again.

"Pssst," you whispered while climbing on the bed and straddling his waist.

"Five more minutes," he said in a groggy tone that was still hotter than ever.

"Sure." you huffed while pulling down the blankets from him.

"Babe! Stop!" he griped.

"Gimmie a minute, jeez. Crab ass."

You nudged yourself under the blanket, taking a spot in between Josh's legs and listening to him make a frustrated whine over you continuing to pester him.

"Stop, Y/N." he warned.

"Stop what?" you asked with fake wonder.

"Quit messing with me!" Josh complained.

"...but daddy..." you whined as you kissed the base of his cock, "I wanna play."

"Y/N," he said in a hitched breath.

You smiled underneath the blankets as you sucked gently on his balls, listening to Josh gasp as you did so. Taking your right hand you began jerking his member, getting it harder and harder as you continued paying attention to his nuts. He moaned as you licked his balls up to the base of his dick, placing a kiss along his shaft that was almost fully hardened. A small giggle escaped before you took the tip of your tongue and trailed it along the prominent vein on the underside of his shaft, before wrapping your lips around his flushed tip and beginning to suck on it. 

"Oh, baby girl," Josh groaned with his hips slightly bucking up.

The redhead laced his fingers in your hair while his other hand pushed the blankets off of him. He bit his bottom lip as he watched you look up at him with your cheeks hollowed out, beginning to take him in your mouth. You twisted your wrist as it held his member upright, making him throw his head back as you began bobbing up and down on his cock. Relaxing your throat, you lowered yourself down on his length. Josh bucked his hips up and pressed your head down on his cock, making you gag unexpectedly.

"Let daddy fuck that little throat," Josh growled as he thrusted himself in and out of your mouth.

You hummed around him, basking in the sound of him releasing a guttural moan as you vibrated around his member. Taking your hands you dragged your nails down his thighs, with the drummer groaning as he released his grip on your hair. You pulled off of him, gasping for air and jerking his cock while Josh pulled you up to kiss him and straddle his waist.

"My baby girl has such a talented little mouth," Josh praised as you rubbed your clit against his length. 

"I thought you'd enjoy your wake up call," you teased while giggling.

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