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3064 words HOLY-

"You've teased me all day. I wanna be in charge tonight." you said to Josh as you pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Is that so, pretty girl?" he smirked as you both felt the sexual tension building higher and higher within the back seat of the UBER driving you to the hotel. "If you think you can hold me back, then by all means."

"Félicitations pour la proposition, monsieur Dun (congratulations on the proposal, mister Dun." the driver spoke, causing you to jump and make Josh chuckle.

"Je vous remercie. Elle est mon monde. (Thank you. She is my world.)" Josh said with a large grin as he held your hand and kissed the back of it.

"Elle est une belle femme (she is a beautiful woman)." the driver responded, with you having no idea what the two were saying. "Nous sommes ici (we are here)."

"Je vous remercie (thank you)!" Josh exclaimed with you both exiting the vehicle.

"Congrats miss." the French driver tried his hardest to say fluently, making you blush.

"Thank you." you spoke, giggling as Josh swept you up bridal style and carried you up to your hotel room. Once inside your room, you skipped towards the bedroom and grabbed the set of pink handcuffs Josh would normally use on you.

"Hands behind your back, sir." you giggled, with Josh rolling his eyes and smiling as he sat on the edge of the bed and did as instructed. "You look so pretty in pink."

"No, really babe. You're too kind." he teased. You straddled his waist, carding your fingers through his bright curls before tugging on them and crashing your lips against his. Josh's breath hitched as he felt you take his bottom lip in your mouth, sucking on it before it snapped back against his teeth upon your release.

"Go up to the top of the bed and lay down." you smiled, placing one last kiss on his swollen lips before you removed yourself from his lap and stood up. Josh's eyebrows drew together as he watched you look at him while making your way to his duffel bag and rummage through it.

"What are you doing?" Josh questioned from the bed, extending his neck while trying to get a better view of what you were searching for. You turned around with a wide grin as you held his tie in your hand, playing with the fabric and making your way back to him.

"This is going to be so much fun." you giggled, crawling on top of him and resting on his torso where you looked down at him.

"Don't you dare." he warned.

"Last time I checked, I was in the one in charge." you noted. The redhead huffed as you wrapped the tie around his head, completely blocking his ability to see anything from that point on.

"I should've never agreed to this." Josh said.

"I can torture you if I wanted, mister Dun. Do you wanna continue your sass?" you dared. Your hands ran down his chest, feeling the movement of it as Josh chuckled. "Crap. I forgot to remove your shirt..."

"Smooth, babe." Josh spoke under his breath. You scowled at his remark and placed your hands on his bulge, squeezing ever so slightly and causing Josh to quickly gasp.

"Don't move." you smirked and hopped off the bed, walking towards the kitchen and grabbing a pair of scissors before reentering the bedroom. Ensuring to do so quietly, you peeled off your sundress and stood there before Josh who was unaware you were naked. You crawled back on to the bed and straddled him once more, momentarily placing the scissors to the side of you both.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now