always get what i want

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After falsely explaining to the hospital staff the cause of Kellin's unconsciousness, you and Josh left to go discuss and catch up on the last ten years at your place.

"You still live with your parents?" Josh asked as you pulled up into your driveway.

"No?" you said with sass. "They moved out of state, and I told them I wanted the house. So I bought it from them."

"Oh." the redhead said while nodding his head.

"...yeah." you replied bluntly as you unlocked the front door and walked inside with Josh following behind you.

"Lots of memories here," Josh said with a small laugh.

"Really? I just got dumped by my boyfriend and you're bringing up how we fucked?" you hissed.

"I was talking about high school when we hung out for the first time and became friends," the man said as he ran his hands through his bright red curls.

"Sure." you rolled your eyes.

"You better drop that fucking attitude." Josh warned.

"Or what!" you contested.

Josh pushed you up against your living room wall, his razor sharp canines exposed as began growling into your ear.

"Do you seem to forget how I know every last thing that makes you stop acting like a child?" he toyed as his dark eyes looked down into yours. "I can promise you that I can get you to submit to me still, even after all this time."

His dark voice sent chills up your spine, but you wouldn't dare let him know that.

"Fuck. You." you spat.

The redhead wrapped his hands around your throat and pressed down on either side as he pinned you against him and the wall. A soft moan escaped your lips.

" you like that?" Josh asked lowly.

You kept quiet, trying your best not to let his successful seducing show. 

"I know obeying makes you wet, kitten." he whispered as he released his grip on your throat and listened to you gasp for air. "So submit to me."

"Jo-sh," you whimpered as he kissed your neck and rolled his hips against you. You could almost cum from feeling the 8.5 inches rub against you after years on end.

"Give in and daddy will make you feel really good baby girl..." he muttered against your neck. His hot breath sent waves of goosebumps across your skin. You groaned as he sucked on the spot below your jawline, instantly arching your back off the wall. He placed his hand on the lower of your back and pushed you up closer against him. 

"God, I get so weak just thinking about my naked skin against yours." he grunted.

The redhead grabbed the back of your right thigh, lifting it up and placing it around his waist. He cupped the bottom of your ass, squeezing harshly and continuing to nip at the skin on your throat. Josh sucked on your sweet spot, remembering where it was even after all this time. 

"Oh, Josh~" you panted with your nails digging into his colorful forearm. 

"That's right baby girl, show daddy how needy you are." he spoke with his hand trailing down your left side and squeezing your hip. Your bit your lower lip as your breath hitched.

"Do you want me to touch your needy little body? Hm, princess?" Josh questioned as he cocked his head with a smirk.

You looked at him with doe eyes, nodding your head with flushed cheeks.

"Tell me you want this." he growled with his bottom lip between his perfect white teeth.

"Pl-Please take me, Josh...kiss me, lick every inch of me...I don't care where or how. I just need you. For fucks sake, please!" you begged.  

Josh let out a dark chuckle. "I always get what I want." 

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now