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You took a spot inside Josh's bunk, crossing your arms across your chest and pouting at the wall.

"Change your clothes or don't come to the show." Josh stated.

"Fine, then I'm not going." you huffed, still in your torn fishnets, bra, and stockings.

"Whatever." Josh scoffed before leaving the tour bus. You released a frustrated sigh and sat in his bunk for an extended duration of time until the redhead FaceTime called your phone suddenly.

"Where are you?' he asked.

"The bus." you answered.

"Y/N it's been almost two hours!" Josh frowned.

"Yup and I'm still not changing." you smiled.

"Look. Tyler and I talked and I think we overreacted earlier..." he admitted.

"YOU overreacted." you clarified to the drummer with him letting out a heavy sigh.

"Okay, yes, fine. I overreacted." Josh huffed.

"Mhm," you hummed. "So? What is the point of this phone call?"

"I'm coming out there, give me a second." Josh said while you watched him move from his seat next to Tyler and out of the venue. The tour bus door opened with the familiar redhead walking up to the bunk beds and looking down at you lying there looking up at him. Josh smirked as he watched you bounce your foot that rested across your knee lightly.

"Yes?" you asked.

"I'm sorry." he sighed.


"Being a dick." Josh spoke. "I was only trying to be dominant like a daddy would be."

"Like a daddy would be?" you repeated with a furrowed brow.

"Yes, like "teaching his bad girl a lesson" sort of thing. However my bad girl is in to pain so I tried adding that aspect into it and I think I went a little too far."

"...wait, really?" you asked with wide eyes.

"Yes?" Josh replied with confusion. "I wouldn't actually control what you wear and make you be held hostage in here if you didn't swap clothing."

"Well, shit," you said in surprise.

"What?" the redhead asked hesitantly.

"That's...that's fucking hot..." you said with blushed cheeks and a shy smile.

"Yeah? You think so?" Josh smirked while leaning up against the bunk bed railing and continuing to look at you with his bottom lip in between his perfect white teeth.

"Now that I'm aware of it...y-yes." you admitted. "That doesn't get you off the hook for how it made me feel before hand though. So tell me, how you gonna make it up to your baby girl, huh, daddy?"

Josh's eyes lit up at your statement, with him quickly continuing the role play along with you as he watched you exit the bunk and stand in front of him with your arms crossed.

"How would my baby girl feel about having daddy's fingers in her tight little holes?" Josh said while swiping his tongue across his bottom lip slowly and grabbing your waist.

"I suppose..." you pondered in fake contemplation with your finger tapping your chin in fake contemplation. .

"You suppose huh? So you don't want these thick fingers pumping in and out of your wet little cunt?" he questioned as he grazed his fingers over your folds lightly, making your breath hitch. "You don't want them scooping your insides and rubbing against that tender little g-spot of yours?"

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