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"Hey there, gorgeous." Josh said as you entered the theater room.

"Hi Joshie." you giggled.

"What have you been up to?" he asked as you sat down next to him.

Is he wearing cologne?  you thought to yourself. He smells g o o d

"Not much, just thinking about last night..." you muttered with blushed cheeks.

"Oh, yeah?" the boy said with a smirk as he looked at you.

"Maybe a lil'. " you spoke with a grin as you twirled a piece of your hair.

"Funny thing, because I have too." Josh flirted.

As you were about to speak, you checked your phone for a message that'd just came in.

Tyler: good morning beautiful :)

You: good morning Ty

Josh looked over your shoulder at the messages and was couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy. He shouldn't be able to feel such a thing though. After all, he was the one who came up with the idea of having the entire basketball team fuck you, right?

Tyler: are we still good to hang out tonight?

You: yep

The pale boy cleared his throat with it gaining your attention as you put your phone away.

"Sorry, I was texting a friend." you said with a smile. Josh rolled his eyes.

Okay? you wondered. 

Josh acted differently around you the remainder of class. During the time lunch came around he sat down with the group of basketball players and voiced his opinion.

"I don't think we should do the whole bang-Glasgow-for-money thing." he spoke.

The entire table of athletes roared into laughter.

"As if! I'm gonna get me a piece of ass AND $100." Brendon spoke. 

"Not so fast, I've got her coming over tonight." Tyler chimed in.

"Oh shit, really?" Gerard asked.

"Really. I've got everything ready too." the brunette bragged.

"Tyler..." Josh said with a clenched jaw. "Don't."

"Oh no you don't. You're gonna try and get us to back off so you can bang her first and get the money. No way, Dun." Brendon said.

"I'm serious you guys. I really am starting to get feelings for her." Josh admitted as he held his head in his hands.

"Not believing it." Gerard said with the rest of the table agreeing.

"Fuck you guys," Josh hissed at his supposed friends before slamming his chair in to the table and walking off. 

--- later that night at Tyler's house ---

"So any reason why all of a sudden you wish to hang out with me?" you questioned as you sat on the brunette's couch.

"I just kind of felt like I was a bit of a dick to you growing up," he began.

"There's no "kinda". You were, and still are." you scoffed.

"Well, clearly you wanted something out of the invitation because you're here with me right now." Tyler said with a smug grin as he looked in your eyes and bit his lower lip.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now