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a/n: Josh is a sweet guy in the story but I used him in an incredibly dominant sexual demeanor for this chapter. He won't be casually smashing you in to shit through out the book I promise lol it's just part of his dominance act. Okay continue.

You stood up from the couch, smiling as you walked towards the back of the bus to shower. Josh walked closely behind you, shoving you into the bathroom when you were close enough.

"What was that fo-"

"You are never to do that again in your entire existence with me, do you understand?" the redhead growled as he slammed you up against the wall.


"Do. You. Fucking. Understand?" Josh snarled with his hand on your throat.

"Yes, daddy." you said with fear in your eyes that fueled Josh's possessive fire.

"Seeing him touch you like that drove me insane." the drummer said with anger.

"But you said it was okay?" you muttered nervously.

Josh gripped your throat tighter than ever before, a deep growl coming from his throat as he pinned you against the wall. "Are you back talking me?"

"No, daddy." you choked out, releasing a small whimper.

"If I see another man touch my property or so much as look at you the wrong way..." Josh shuddered while turning his face away from yours.

"Can't-- breathe--"

Josh snapped his attention back to you, releasing his hold on your throat and allowing you to breathe.

"J-osh," you panted, "I'm only ever going to be with you. Chill."

"Don't talk to me like that." the drummer warned.

"You said it was okay!" you spoke in confusion, turning away from him as you turned on the shower.

"I saw the way you were so eager to have him fuck you when he offered, Y/N." Josh accused.

"You were too busy fucking yourself over the sight of what was happening!" you shouted.

The drummer fell silent for a moment, attempting to calm himself down so he didn't lash out on you.

"Look." Josh said bluntly. "I didn't think I would become as fucking jealous as I did when watching that."

"Well I only did it since you pressured us..." you muttered.

"Typically girls hop on the chance to fuck both of us, so I figured you would be excited for such an opportunity!" Josh said as if it excused his actions.

"Bitch! If I wanted to sleep with Tyler I would have already! And I would have done so WITHOUT needing your say in the situation! You kept pressing for us to do it!" you snapped. "AND ANOTHER THING! How many people have you fucking slept with?!"

"Um," Josh said while try to count on his fingers quietly.

"SERIOUSLY?" you shouted.

"What!" the redhead smiled with a small chuckle.

"Not funny. How am I supposed to know I'm not just another fucking fling with you two?" you questioned.

"Y/N, don't be ridiculous-"

"Please just get out and let me shower in peace." you huffed while tapping your fingers on the counter top waiting for him to leave.

"...what?" Josh asked.

"Get out!" you griped.

"Baby girl, come on. Don't be like this."

"I swear to God, Josh..." you warned while glaring at him.

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