what jøsh øwns

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"Mmm I missed this." Josh spoke as you straddled him on your bed.

"I missed you," you whimpered as you rolled your hips against his lap.

"I missed you too, baby girl," the redhead groaned as you grinded against his cock. 

You interlaced your fingers with his bright curls, gently tugging as your lips met with his and moved in perfect sync. He tasted even better than in high school, and his lips were coated in strawberry chap stick he'd put on during the drive over. You parted your lower lip, inviting the pale man's tongue to enter your mouth which he happily did. Josh's tongue swirled around yours, making him release small moans when you continued rocking your lap against his during it all. You broke from the kiss to place a small peck on his jaw, then moved down to his neck where you placed a small kiss near his Adam's apple before nipping at the skin there. 

"God you feel so good..." he grunted.

Josh dug his nails into your lower back, making you moan out with the combination of it and his dirty talk. You slid your hands underneath his shirt, feeling his smooth chest and toned stomach as you held on to him. The drummer pulled his shirt off over his head and laid back as you continued peppering his skin with kisses as you lowered yourself down on him. You sunk your teeth in on his abs as your hand palmed him through his skinny jeans, making Josh let out a heavenly moan that only fueled your fire in making him cum. You unbuttoned his jeans while Josh unzipped them for you. As you pulled them off his legs and brought yourself back up to his crotch, Josh grabbed you by the underarms and propped you up against his lap.

"Sit up on my lap and kiss me, princess." 

"Yes, daddy," you muttered as he began pulling off your shorts. 

The redhead reattached his lips with yours as his hands held both of your hips and rocked you against him, with soft pants falling from your lips as you humped his bulge. 

"I love it when you grind that little clit on me," he groaned. 

"Oh shit, Joshie," you moaned out as he held you against his dick while he rubbed his hips in sync with yours.

"That's right princess, faster," he moaned as you quickened your pace against him and his hardening member. Josh grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head, with his eyes growing wide at the site of your exposed breasts.

"Surprise," you half moaned and half giggled.

"Fuck you're still as perfect as you were then," he spoke with his eyes locked on your bouncing breasts.

"J-Josh I'm gonna cum," you whimpered as he started to suck on your nipples. You rolled your lap against his, with your lower half quickly jerking in off beat patterns as your orgasm crept up on you. Josh bucked his hips against your core, continuing to get you off from just rubbing up on him.

"Keep going, beautiful." the redhead said seductively with his fingers pinching your nubs.

"S-hit!" you moaned as your nails dug into Josh's freckled skin, making him clench his jaw with how deep you cut into him. 

"I...I'm sorry," you panted with flushed cheeks as you came down from your high. "I...wasn't expecting it to be that intense..."

"You obeyed like a good little slut." Josh praised. "Now let me taste how wet you are." 

Josh placed you on your back underneath him as he trailed his fingers down your stomach and placed them in front of your core. A visible wet patch could be seen from the exterior of your panties. The redhead placed a sloppy kiss below your belly button, making you shiver with the contact. He took his pearly whites and removed your underwear, then basked in the sight of your exposed sex.

"You're so wet, little girl. I bet you've been thinking about me doing this to you..." he teased as he blew cold air against your clit, making you jolt. 

"Daddy, please," you whimpered over him toying with you.

"Only if you tell me one thing." he said sharply.

"What!?!" you said in frustration.

"Tell me who owns this fucking pussy." he growled.

"You do, daddy." you said with a smirk before your eyes went wide and rolled into the back of your head.

Josh swiped his tongue up your folds, gathering the wetness that'd pooled between your legs over grinding on him and orgasming. He flicked his tongue against your clit, making you moan out as he began circling his tongue around it rapidly then suctioning it with his lips.

"Oh fuck Joshua," you moaned out as your back arched off the mattress. The redhead grabbed your hips and pulled you on to his face, with his pierced nose resting on your shaved pubic area. His tongue made its way inside of you, wriggling around and pushing itself in and out of your core as he tongue fucked you. You pulled his hair with the drummer groaning into you as he loved it. The redhead took his index and thumb and utilized it as he spread your folds open for him to gain more access directly to your clit. He swirled his tongue over your nerves again, making you cry out in pleasure once his other hand slid their two fingers inside of you. Josh curled his fingers inside of you, instantly hitting your g-spot and sending you over the edge.

"D-a-ddy," you hiccuped as you gripped the sheets and started to feel your orgasm begin tearing through you.

"Mmm," he hummed as he continued sucking on you and pumping his fingers in and out of your pussy.


"Cum in my mouth. I want to taste you," he grunted as his tongue slid back inside of you.

"Oh shit, oh fuck Jo-sh~" you screamed as your hips grinded against his mouth while you came undone below him. 

The redhead continued working his magical mouth as your mouth fell agape and body jerked from cumming, with Josh moaning into you as your thighs shook around his head. He looked up at you and met your eyes while he flicked his tongue against your clit, leading you through your orgasm as you came down from your high. You grabbed his face and pulled him up to your lips where you smashed your mouth against his and kissed him. Josh grinded his hips against your core, where you gasped out and grabbed hold of his hips. You stared into his eyes, nodding your head rapidly and listened as the man let out a chuckle. 

"Tell me what you want me to do to you, baby girl." he said with a smug grin as he ran his thumb down your lower lip.

"I want to feel your cock pulsing inside me when you cum," you pleaded.

"H-Holy fuck," Josh grunted. "I can do that."

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