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"JOSH!" you both heard someone yell from down the hall, making you and Josh pull apart from each other.

"Coming!" Josh shouted back at the voice.

"Noooooo..." you pouted while grabbing his arm as he tried to walk away.

"What do you mean no?" Josh asked. "That's Tyler. I gotta go see what he needs."

"He wants you to make me feel good." you commented with a smirk as you grabbed Josh's hand and kissed his fingertips.

"I'll take care of my baby girl as soon as I'm done talking to him, okay?" Josh waged.

"No. Now." you huffed.

"Little girl, are you trying to give me orders?" Josh asked with a cocked head as he swiped his tongue across his top layer of perfect, white teeth.

"Dude! We gotta go!" Tyler sounded from wherever he was in the venue.

"We're on our way!" Josh yelled back. "Listen. We have two days off from touring. That means the remainder of today, tomorrow, and the day after that it'll be just you and me. During that time I promise to give you as much love, attention, and orgasms as you desire. For now can you please just let me make it up to you so we can head out?"

"Fine." you sighed.

--- time skip to you and Josh arriving at an airport after leaving the venue ---

"Have fun!" Tyler shouted from the bus as you and Josh watched it drive away.

"Wait!" you said while trying to run towards the bus. "Josh! What about Tyler?!"

"He isn't coming with us for this." Josh smiled.

"For what?" you asked in confusion.

"I booked us a special visit to somewhere. Just you and I." the redhead said.

"What!" you said in excitement.

"Mhm. I figured I would surprise you."

"No way! Where are we going!?!"

"Guess." Josh said while wrapping his arm around you and entering the airport.

"Disney World?"





"Paris, France? What?" Josh teased.

"Josh, no you did not..." you said with blushed cheeks. "Did you seriously book us a trip to Paris? Are you kidding me!?!"

"Nope. No jokes." he grinned.

"Babe!!!" you squealed while jumping up and down and hugging him.

"Are you excited?" Josh giggled. "I dunno. I just...felt like now I'm able to give you special gifts so I thought we could do this one thing."

"I can't believe you. You're-"

"Josh Dun!!!" a random girl shouted with her friends running up to the drummer and freaking out.

"H-Hi!" Josh said with a large smile as the girls flipped out and asked him to sign things of theirs.

"Can we get a photo of us with you and Y/N!?!"

They know my name? you thought.

"Babe?" Josh asked while reaching his arm out to you.

"S-Sure!" you smiled as you leaned in for a group photo with the fans.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now