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That night you stayed at what was actually Brendon's, and not Ashley's. The brunette was nice enough to have you and Josh take his bed while he slept on the couch.

"Thanks, Brendon." you said quietly.

"Yup. Just quit being an ass to me." he laughed.

"I'm sorry," you apologized.

"It's whatever. I genuinely don't care so long as he's good." he replied.

" tell the hell are you even able to live on your own?" you questioned.

"My parents pay for me to live here. They said I was too much of a pain in the ass to stay with 'em." 

"Well that's kind of sad..." you replied.

"I don't give a shit. More time for me to hold parties and do my own thing." he said with a smile as he threw a blanket over himself on the couch.

"Well, I guess you're right." you responded with a light laugh.

"I'm sorry I was such an asshole to you growing up, honestly." he admitted. 

"Honestly I've grown used to it from everyone," you said as Josh stumbled into the kitchen. "What are you doing, Josh?"

"I'm tirs-ty," he said.

"Here, babe," you spoke as you walked over and gave him a bottle of water. 

"Tanks, you're so niceeee," he giggled.

"I know," you chuckled. "Come on, let's get you to bed. It's getting late."

"Aw but I wan' stay up," he pouted with Brendon laughing in the distance.

"I don't." you frowned as you snapped your fingers to signal for Brendon to shut up.

"Pease?" he begged.

God he's cute.

"No. Now drink your water to help you feel better for when we have to go to school tomorrow." you advised as you both headed into Brendon's room for the night.

--- the next morning ---

"Y'ALL," Brendon announced as he slammed his bedroom door open.

"Jesus!" you exclaimed while falling out of bed.

"Oh shit, sorry," the brunette said with a laugh. You plopping onto the floor was enough to wake Josh up.

"Mmm-" he grumbled. "What's going on?"

"Brendon's a bitch." you teased as you got back on the bed.

"Water is wet." Josh said in a groggy tone that was honestly pretty attractive.

"Fuck you both. Anyway. No school. It's snowing." he grinned.

"Snowing? What?" the yellow haired boy asked as he rubbed sleep out of his eyes.

"OoOOoo I love snow!!!" you cheered while running out of the bedroom to look out the window.

"Hey." Brendon whispered.

"What?" Josh groaned.

  You listened closely from the other room.  

"She's something special. Keep her." Brendon muttered loud enough for you to slightly hear. A smile formed across your lips.

"I know. I really fucked up Bren." the yellow haired boy admitted.

"Just show her how much she means to you, dude. Get her flowers or something. Take her on a date. Anything is  better than nothing." the brunette said while shrugging.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now