yøu're mine

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"That's a good little girl," Josh praised as he kissed your sensitive core and sat up to kiss you.

You wrapped your arm around the back of his neck, pulling him in closer to you while your other hand palmed him through his skinny jeans. The yellow haired boy let out a small grunt as he bucked his hips against your hand. 

"Why don't you show daddy how obedient you are?" he said lowly.

"Anything for you," you muttered with him giving a devious grin.

"On your knees, kitten." 

You quickly followed orders and kneeled on the floor for him, completely naked while he still wore his jeans and boxers. Josh stood in front of you and ran his fingers through your hair as he watched you hook your fingers around his jeans and pull them down. You placed sloppy kisses along his toned stomach and sucked hickies onto both his defined v-lines. As you rubbed your hand against his cock through boxers, you finally got a feel for just how large he was.

"H-Holy hell," you blurted out with Josh instantly laughing. "How bi-"

"8.5 inches."

Oh, fuck. your throat thought.
Oh, fuck yeah. your crotch thought.

"Think you can handle it, princess?" he asked with a smug grin as he ran his thumb down your lower lip.

"Can you handle me?" you questioned with a wink as his eyebrows shot up at the remark.

You pulled his boxers down with them dropping around his ankles. His cock sprung out of his Calvin Klein boxers and hit his stomach, almost covering his belly button with how huge he was. Looking up at him, you licked from the base of his shaft up to his flushed tip. Josh threw his head back as you swirled your tongue around the head of his member and began slowly pumping him.

"God you look so good on your knees," he grunted. "You're such a good little whore for daddy."

You smiled as you kept eye contact with him, especially as you lowered your mouth down on him. He moaned as you had almost 3/4 of his cock in your mouth. You tried relaxing your throat as much as you could, and thankfully managed to meet the light at the end of the tunnel when your nose hit his stomach. 

"F-uck baby girl," he panted as his cock throbbed in your mouth..

"MmMMmm," you hummed around him, ensuring your throat vibrated around his length.

"Y/N!" he inhaled sharply with his fingers pulling your hair. 

Cupping his balls in your hands, you massaged them as you hollowed out your cheeks and began bobbing your head up and down on him. The yellow haired teen looked down at you with hooded eyes, and God did it drive you insane. You took your free hand and squeezed his butt before pressing him fully inside your mouth.

"Face fuck?" he breathed with wide eyes.

"mMMmmm!" you repeated, with the pale boy gasping above you as his eyes screwed shut. Once Josh regained his composure he took his hands and ran them through your hair, ensuring he had a handful of your locks as he slammed your head down on his cock. A small gag came from you, and Josh began to lose it again.

"God damn you're a fucking slut," he moaned as he thrusted his hips rapidly and let out numerous guttural grunts. His cock was so large that you could see him sliding in and out of your throat when looking at your neck.

Josh pulled you off of him and grabbed you by the underarms to lift you up off your knees. He grabbed your hips and turned you to where your ass was facing him while you propped your arms up on the edge of your mattress. You arched your back in the air while you listened to Josh pump himself a few times as he positioned himself between your legs. The yellow haired boy held himself in his hand and rubbed his tip up against your clit, making you gasp and already grab at the bed sheets.

"You are mine." Josh whispered as he slid his cock inside of you.

"I'm yours daddy," you moaned loudly with your face contorting in pleasure.

He grabbed hold of your hips and slowly continued pushing himself in, watching you as you whimpered in pleasure from his touch.

"J-Josh," you panted below him with the teen stopping in his tracks.

"What is it, baby?" he asked with concern.

"Don't hold back...I...I want you to make me forget everything but your name once we're done," you spoke.

Instantly you and Josh released pornographic moans when the boy slammed his 8.5 inches inside of you.

"Oh my gOd," he groaned as his grip on your hips became so tight there were sure to be bruises.

"D-addy~" you panted as the tip of his cock relentlessly pounded against your g-spot.

"You feel so good, little one," Josh grunted as his nuts started to bounce off of your clit and the sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the room.

" 'm so full Joshie, so full~" you moaned out as your eyes screwed shut and you buried your face into your blankets.

"Get used to it, kitten. I own this pretty little pussy now." he growled as he spanked your ass.

"Shit Joshua," you whined while rocking yourself back against him and adding more speed to his thrusts. "I'm...I'm gonna cum,"

"Please, princess," Josh groaned. "Fucking cum so i can feel your cunt clenching around my cock."

"mMm, daddy, daddy I'm-I'm--,"

"So...fucking...tig-ht," he grunted as he felt you tighten around him with your body shaking as your orgasm took over.

"Jooooosh!" you cried out while collapsing forward onto the bed from your knees giving out.

"Oh shit, Y/N," he moaned as he pulled himself out of you. "F-Fuckk," he shuddered as his tip poured out white ribbons of cum on the dimples of your back.

"That was so amazing," you panted on the bed, not moving an inch from being exhausted. 

"You're amazing," Josh spoke while trying to regain his breath as well.

"I've never had sex like that before," you complimented. "You are so fucking huge."

"Thanks," he chuckled before leaning over beside you and placing a kiss on your lips.

"You're so handsome," you cooed.

"And you're absolutely beautiful. I can't believe I'm able to call you my own." he responded as he placed a kiss on on your forehead. 

"The same goes for you, my Joshie." you said with a smile and flushed cheeks.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now