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"[Y/N]!!!" Josh's sister, Ashley, screamed when she saw you and Josh walk up the front patio of his childhood home.

"Hi!" you giggled as his family rushed outside to give you hugs and attention.

"You look so good!" Josh's other sister Abby complemented.

"We missed you, dear." Josh's mother Laura said.

"I missed you all, too." you smiled with your cheeks starting to blush. Josh chuckled and kissed your temple, making you giggle.

"Awww." Jordan, Josh's brother, cooed.

"Oh no," you spoke, barging through his family and rushing in to the house.

"Babe!" Josh shouted, running after you and finding you in the bathroom hunched over the toilet vomiting. "Jesus Christ, are you okay?"

"Ugh," you groaned, "I'm good."

"I've never seen you like this," Josh said with worry. "Do you need us to go home?"

"No, no, it's fine. I'm fine-"

You paused momentarily as you threw up once more in the toilet, looking up and finding Josh's mother handing you a warm washcloth to wipe your mouth off with.

"Josh, can I talk to you for a moment?" Laura requested sweetly, with Josh nodding and following her outside of the bathroom into the hall. "Is she pregnant?"

"Oh fuck," Josh said with worry, instantly throwing his head back and running his hands through his hair.

"Watch your mouth." Laura warned.

"S-Sorry- Oh God- she-" the drummer stuttered, completely taken aback at what it was he was supposed to do. "Wait, there's no way she could be pregnant. She's on birth control."

"Slip ups can still happen, Joshua. You know this."

"What? They can?" Josh asked in total horror.

"Yes!" Laura snapped. "I suggest you go and get a pregnancy test immediately. Go. Take my car."

"But mom, what if she is?" Josh whispered.

"Then you better give me a girl." Laura smiled, making Josh chuckle.

"Thanks mom." Josh stated, giving her a kiss before getting ready to leave the house to get a pregnancy test.

"Josh!" you shouted out from the restroom, making the drummer turn around and bolt towards the bathroom.

"Yes, my love?" Josh asked.

"Yeah. I am." you laughed nervously.

"You're what?" Josh questioned before sudden realization hit. "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!"

"Mhm." you nodded, cleaning yourself up at the bathroom sink.

"Are you serious?!" Josh grinned.

"I'm serious." you laughed.

"When did you find out?"

"Yesterday." you admitted.

"Oh my God...are- are we really gonna have a lil' family?" Josh whispered with excitement.

"We are." you confirmed, with Josh jumping in the air with joy. "I guess this means one thing is for sure…"

"What?" Josh asked hesitantly.

"Well, sir, it looks like you're gonna have to be called daddy again."

The end.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now