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It didn't take long for the press to jump on announcing to the world that you and Josh had become engaged over the weekend in France. Before you could even announce the news to your family, text messages and phone calls were pouring in from each and every cousin, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, and others you didn't even KNOW were family. Which, speaking of, the did Josh's parents feel about this?

"Hey, babe?" you said to Josh as you both sat down together on a bench nearby with other tourists.

"Yes, my love?" he responded while interlacing his fingers with yours and kissing the back of your hand. The tiny gesture made you blush like an idiot, causing the redhead to giggle over your cuteness.

"It's probably a bit late to ask this but. Your parents? They still like me, right?" you asked hesitantly.

"Of course they do, why?" Josh asked with a devilish smirk as he watched your eyes shoot daggers upon him starting up the vibrator again.

"J-Joshie," you whimpered, gripping his hand tightly and biting your bottom lip. "St-oh!-op."

"Stop what, princess?" the drummer toyed as he lifted you onto his lap and placed his face in the crook of your neck, nuzzling it there where he secretly nipped at the skin. 

Your eyes clenched shut, with you trying your hardest to not make obvious movements or sounds over what was going on within you. Sure, the UBER driver may have been suspicious, but you weren't about to ever see them again. Now was different though. You were surrounded by tons of other people, in public, with Josh Dun. It'd be so embarrassing for the press to catch you making some contorted facial expression or a local sharing that they heard (future) Mrs. Dun moaning in public.

The redhead began bouncing his legs, making you gasp and tense up suddenly.

"Don't tense up beautiful..." Josh chuckled quietly.

He was right. Tensing up only cause your insides to wrap tighter around the vibrator, and it felt so good it was even more difficult to NOT tense up.

"Sir, fucking please," you begged through gritted teeth while digging your nails into the drummers thighs, making Josh grunt. All you received for a response was him bouncing his legs even more rapidly as he wrapped his arms tighter around your waist, while pressing his lap up against your ass. The way his jeans curved around his bulge only resulted in him pushing the vibrator deeper inside of you and sending you into a haze.  

"Fuck," Josh whispered breathlessly as he felt the vibrator buzz against his length while your eyes rolled into the back of your skull as his hips now bucked up against you.

People had to have been staring, there was no doubt in your mind that they weren't. After all it wasn't like seeing a woman panting on top of a guy bucking his hips beneath her was a typical sight ANYWHERE in the world publicly. It did help knowing that your fiance absent mindlessly discovered something so pleasurable though within being out and about as well.

"Y-You're not helping!" you whined as you listened to Josh groan behind you. 

"S-Shut the fuck up and cum on me," Josh growled with his hips rolling against you and your vibrator, making the redheads breath become uneven as he grew harder and harder within each passing second.

"Turn it off!" you begged, reaching a hand into one of his pockets to grab the remote control and take the matter into your own hands. Josh moaned loudly as you accidentally turned the vibrations up, with your movements freezing as your body washed over in ecstasy as your orgasm smacked you in the face. "O-h no," you hiccuped as your hips grinded down against the drummers lap and your eyes screwed shut. Josh gasped as your lap rubbed circles against his tip, making him sink his teeth into your shoulder as he suppressed his moans. "Bounce your legs Joshie"

Josh obeyed, bouncing his legs as his hands gripped either side of your waist with you and him both being stimulated. You moved a shaky finger to the 'OFF' button on the remote, until Josh ripped the item from your hand and threw it as far as he could in the location around you two.

"Josh!" you moaned loudly, trying to scold him but failing miserably. The tourists turned to all look at you two, with Josh pausing his movements as he smiled at the group with them giving disgusting looks at you. Tears pricked at your eyes, with your hands covering them so as to hide your shame. The redhead rested his forehead against your back, hiding his face as he came in his pants behind you.

"You can't be so loud, princess." Josh mumbled, only for it to piss you off.

"Take me home, NOW!" you commanded, making Josh become angered as he pushed you off of his lap and snapped your face to look him in the eyes.

"Don't talk to me like that, you little whore. You're the one who came loudly." he growled. You looked at his lap, eyes growing wide in horror as you noticed the huge wet spot from where your crotch had been sitting on him. Suddenly you shifted to sit back on top of him, with Josh trying to push you off him again.

"Don't move me!" you whispered.

"What do you want from me!" he snapped.

"W-Wet sp-ot on your lap," you whimpered, feeling the toy continue its merciless vibrations. Josh furrowed his brow, grabbing your waist and lifting you up just enough to see what you were talking about.

"That's not from me," Josh chuckled. "Did my baby girl sq-"

"I-I'm gonna cum again," you panted suddenly, making Josh's jaw drop as he watched your dress grow darker in some spots right then from your cunt squirting wetness everywhere. "Please," you whispered desperately. 

"We'll go to the hotel right now." Josh said.

"Ahhh!" you squealed, hunching forward as you felt yourself throbbing internally around the vibrator.

"Shhhh," he hushed. "Let sir break you."



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