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*** 10 years later ***

"Hey, baby." you said as you answered your phone.

"Hey babe. Quick question, do you have any plans for tonight?" the person asked.

"Oh Gosh, what crazy event are we going to all of a sudden now, Kellin?" you chuckled.

"Well, James works for the local radio station and they said they had extra tickets to a show in town tonight. Are you interested?" he questioned.

"A show? For who?" you wondered.

"Some band called Twenty One Pilots," he droned. "They sang that one Stressed Out song that's always on the radio."

"Ooooh! I love that song!" you exclaimed.

"So I'll take that as a yes. Alright, be ready by 7 p.m. tonight okay dear?" he replied happily.

"Okay! I'm so excited!!! Tell James I said thank you!!!" you said with excitement.

"No problem!" James said from in the distance.

--- at the show waiting for the performance ---

"Have you seen them before?" you ask a girl standing beside you and Kellin in the pit.

"Oh so many times! They're amazing!" she raved. "Is this your first time seeing them?"

"Yeah, we managed to get extra seats from my boyfriends friend that works for a radio station."

"Wow! You got some pretty good seats for getting your tickets for free." she said with raised eyebrows.

"That's what I said!" Kellin chuckled. 

"Why? How much did you pay for your tickets, if you don't mind me asking?" you said to the girl.

"$250," she shrugged.

"Holy fuck," you said with wide eyes.

"I know, I know. I just love Tyler and Josh so much!" she giggled.


"Hey, I'm Josh." a guy with bright yellow hair said as he sat beside you.

"Y/N." you said quietly.


Suddenly the arena's lights went out, with everyone roaring into screams and cheers as a spotlight shined on the black curtain that covered the stage. An intro to a song began that echoed through the venue, which oddly enough you remembered but couldn't pin point where from. 


"Make you a deal. I'll come up with the beat for music class if you come up with the make up junk." he said with a sigh.



The curtain dropped, revealing a slender, tan brunette that held a microphone and sang with another pale, muscular man rocking out on the drums. You shot your eyes over to the colorful haired man, watching as he bit his lip and moved energetically within his work. His eyes crinkled in the corners and they were surrounded by a large area of red makeup.


"So, hey I was wondering, do you think we could like...I dunno. Hang out at your place and do our makeup?" he asked.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now